
Nalezeno "the one": 5772

8 Digit Hex Colors

One of the most requested capabilities in my early days of web development was the ability to set opacity on elements and even PNG images without the need for browser-specific CSS or hacks.  Eventually we got native opacity support and even enjoyed rgba(), the ability to cite an opacity level with...

Search Git Commits Between Dates

One of my weaknesses as a developer is relying on UIs to provide me the data I need.  It’s not a fatal weakness but it does hamper me a bit.  One prime example is relying on GitHub’s interface to review changes; git’s command line provides the information needed with commands...


Mark this down as one of the strangest things I’ve seen in a good long while. Nicholas Jitkoff has made a tool called itty.bitty that creates websites with all of the assets being contained within their own link. You can create a website without any HTML or CSS resources at all because it’s...

The CSS Paint API

The CSS Paint API is extremely exciting, not only for what it is, but what it represents, which is the beginning of a very exciting time for CSS. Let’s go over what it is, why we have it and how to start using it. What is the CSS Paint API? The API is just one part of a whole suite of...

Writing Good Support Requests

My take on trying to be helpful to a support staff. One bit is just as relevant for learning development: Writing out a ticket will help you figure out the problem. Sometimes when you have to take a second to collect your thoughts and explain something, the problem will become clear and maybe even...


There is this sentiment that you don't design the homepage of a site first. For most sites, it's an anomaly. It's unlike any other page and not something to base the patterns you use for the rest of the site or help inform other pages. You might call it a one-off.1 One-offs are OK! A world without...

How to create a logo that responds to its own aspect ratio

One of the cool things about <svg> is that it's literally its own document, so @media queries in CSS inside the SVG are based on its viewport rather than the HTML document that likely contains it. This unique feature has let people play around for years. Tim Kadlec experimented with...

Vue + TypeScript: A Match Made in Your Code Editor

Vue is so hot right now and I’ve been thinking of doing a serious project with it since quite a while, so when the opportunity popped up, I hopped in. But there was a little problem — one of the requirements of the project was to write it in TypeScript. At first, I was super stressed about...

Count Frames in an Animated GIF

The animated GIF always makes me chuckle; on one hand they seem like a relic of the “old web”, on the other hand they aren’t going anywhere and their meme-like presence seem to only make them more popular.  If you browse through my media blog posts archives, you’ll notice...

Advanced Document Conversions with Filestack

You might know Filestack from being an incredible service to add file uploading, storage, and management to your own web apps. There is another thing Filestack can do for you: convert documents into different formats. For one thing, it can manipulate documents. Take images. Perhaps you would...

Convert HTML to Markdown

One of my biggest mistakes with this blog was not finding a WordPress plugin that would allow me to write my posts with markdown; to this day I still need to write posts in “Visual” mode and then manually convert the post to HTML for “Text” mode.  One of these days I want...

Centering: The Newest Coolest Way vs. The Oldest Coolest Way

This isn't a comprehensive guide to centering things. We have that! This is just a little observation about old and new. One of the trickier things related to centering in CSS is when you need to center both vertically and horizontally and you don't know the width or height of what you...

The Four Big Ways Jetpack Helps with Image Performance

We've been working with Jetpack around here as a sponsor. It's a great match because as someone with a bunch of self-hosted WordPress sites, Jetpack is one of those no-brainer plugins for me. Jetpack can do a ton of good things for any site in a variety of very different ways. Here's one way...

More Unicode Patterns

Creating is the most intense excitement one can come to know. —Anni Albers, On Designing I recently wrote a post — that was shared here on CSS-Tricks — where I looked at ways to use Unicode characters to create interesting (and random) patterns. Since then, I’ve continued to seek...

​Truly understand your site visitors’ behavior

(This is a sponsored post.) Hotjar is a quick and easy way to truly understand your visitors and identify opportunities for improvement and growth. Try the all-in-one analytics and feedback tool for free. Direct Link to Article — Permalink… The post ​Truly understand your site visitors’...

​​Build live comments with sentiment analysis using Nest.js

(This is a sponsored post.) Interestingly, one of the most important areas of a blog post is the comment section. This plays an important role in the success of a post or an article, as it allows proper interaction and participation from readers. This makes it inevitable for every platform with...

Uppy File Uploading

One of the big tasks I was charged with at my first job was setting up a system by which any customer or potential customer (aka anonymous user) could upload PDF and image files. I had loads of constraints to deal with: browser support, server settings, variance in user tech knowledge, etc....

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