
Nalezeno "javascript": 803

Collective #505

CSSBattle * Yet Another JavaScript Framework * x-ray * A progressive disclosure component * Gimli Collective #505 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Používáme knihovnu Readability na serveru

Možná znáte Readability z reader-view v prohlížeči. Odstraní ze stránky přebytečný balast a zůstane jen dobře čitelný text. Stejný projekt lze s úspěchem použít i na serveru. Pojďme si ukázat, proč i servery potřebují dobře čitelné texty

Responsible JavaScript

We just made a note about this article by Jeremy Wagner in our newsletter but it’s so good that I think it’s worth linking to again as Jeremy writes about how our obsession with JavaScript can lead to accessibility and performance issues: What we tend to forget is that the environment websites...

KV Storage

localStorage is... Good! It's an incredibly easy API to use. localStorage.setItem('name', 'Chris'); let name = localStorage.getItem('name'); Bad! Philip Walton explains why: localStorage is a synchronous API that blocks the main thread, and any time you access it you potentially prevent your...

Yet Another JavaScript Framework

On March 6, 2018, a new bug was added to the official Mozilla Firefox browser bug tracker. A developer had noticed an issue with Mozilla's nightly build. The report noted that a 14-day weather forecast widget typically featured on a German website had all of a sudden broken and disappeared. Nothing...

A historical look at lowercase defaultstatus

Browsers, thank heavens, take backward compatibility seriously. Ancient websites generally work just fine on modern browsers. There is a way higher chance that a website is broken because of problems with hosting, missing or altered assets, or server changes than there is with changes in...

Differential Serving

There is "futuristic" JavaScript that we can write. "Stage 0" refers to ideas for the JavaScript language that are still proposals. Still, someone might turn that idea into a Babel plugin and it could compile into code that can ship to any browser. For some of these lucky proposals, Stage 0 becomes...

Scroll-Linked Animations

You scroll down to a certain point, now you want to style things in a certain way. A header becomes fixed. An animation triggers. A table of contents appears. To do anything based on scroll position, JavaScript is required right now. You watch the scroll position via a DOM event and alter...

JavaScript Glossary: String lastIndexOf()

Basics The lastIndexOf() method returns the last position within a String object which an element can be found. The search starts from the last position of the String object.

JavaScript Glossary: String match()

Basics This method is a called against a regular expression and returns the matching values in the string. The return value is an array containing the matched values. If no matches are fo

JavaScript Glossary: String startsWith()

Basics The startsWith method takes a string parameter and checks if the calling string starts with the value provided. It returns a Boolean value, true

JavaScript Glossary: String toLowerCase()

Basics The toLowerCase() String method converts a string object to lower case. The return value of the method is the value of the calling string in lower case

JavaScript Glossary: String length

Basics The length property of the String object returns the number of code points in a string object. It indicates the length of the string

An Illustrated (and Musical) Guide to Map, Reduce, and Filter Array Methods

Map, reduce, and filter are three very useful array methods in JavaScript that give developers a ton of power in a short amount of space. Let’s jump right into how you can leverage (and remember how to use!) these super handy methods. updates each individual value in...

Understanding Event Emitters

Consider, a DOM Event: const button = document.querySelector("button"); button.addEventListener("click", (event) => /* do something with the event */) We added a listener to a button click. We’ve subscribed to an event being emitted and we fire a callback when it does. Every time we click that...

Build a Decentralized Web Chat in 15 Minutes

In this 15 minute tutorial we’re going to build a simple decentralized chat application which runs entirely in a web browser. All you will need is a text editor, a web browser, and a basic knowledge of how to save HTML files and open them in the browser. We’re going...

JavaScript Glossary: String trim()

Basics This method removes whitespaces from the start and end of the calling string. It removes spaces, tabs, no break spaces etc. It returns a new string stripped of whitespaces from both

JavaScript Glossary: String indexOf()

Basics This method checks for the first appearance of a provided string argument within the calling string and returns the index. It returns -1 if the string argument can’t be

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