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Setting up a screen reader testing environment on your computer

Sara Soueidan with everything you need, from what screen reading options are out there all the way to setting up virtual machines for them, installing them, and confguring keyboard options. It’s truly a one-stop reference that pulls together disparate … Setting up a screen reader...

Saving Settings for a Custom WordPress Block in the Block Editor

We’ve accomplished a bunch of stuff in this series! We created a custom WordPress block that fetches data from an external API and renders it on the front end. Then we took that work and extended it so the data … Saving Settings for a Custom WordPress Block in the Block Editor originally...

CSS Infinite Slider Flipping Through Polaroid Images

In the last article, we made a pretty cool little slider (or “carousel” if that’s what you prefer) that rotates in a circular direction. This time we are going to make one that flips through a stack of Polaroid … CSS Infinite Slider Flipping Through Polaroid Images originally...

Animated Background Stripes That Transition on Hover

How often to do you reach for the CSS background-size property? If you’re like me — and probably lots of other front-end folks — then it’s usually when you background-size: cover an image to fill the space of an entire … Animated Background Stripes That Transition on Hover originally...

Adding Box Shadows to WordPress Blocks and Elements

The CSS box-shadow and outline properties gained theme.json support in WordPress 6.1. Let's look at a few examples of how it works in real themes, and what options we have to apply these styles to WordPress blocks and elements. Adding Box Shadows to WordPress Blocks and Elements originally...

CSS is OK, I guess.

Nothing but ear-to-ear smiles as I was watching this video from @quayjn on YouTube. (No actual name in the byline, though I think it’s Brian Katz if my paper trail is correct). The best is this Pen you can … CSS is OK, I guess. originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of...

Does WWW still belong in URLs?

For years, a small pedantry war has been raging in our address bars. In one corner are brands like Google, Instagram, and Facebook. This group has chosen to redirect to In the opposite corner: … Does WWW still belong in URLs? originally published on CSS-Tricks...

CSS Infinite and Circular Rotating Image Slider

Image sliders (also called carousels) are everywhere. There are a lot of CSS tricks to create the common slider where the images slide from left to right (or the opposite). It’s the same deal with the many JavaScript libraries out … CSS Infinite and Circular Rotating Image Slider originally...

Digging Deeper Into Container Style Queries

I wrote up some early thoughts on container style queries a little while back. It’s still early days. They’re already defined in the CSS Containment Module Level 1 specification (currently in Editor’s Draft status) but there’s still a couple of … Digging Deeper Into...

Using The New Constrained Layout In WordPress Block Themes

One of the main goals of the WordPress Site Editor (and, yes, that is now the “official” name) is to move basic block styling from CSS to structured JSON. JSON files are machine-readable, which makes it consumable by … Using The New Constrained Layout In WordPress Block Themes originally...

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