Websites We Like: Whimsical
Whimsical is an app that lets you create flowcharts, wireframes, and mind maps but it was only earlier today that I spotted just how great the website is — especially the product pages. Check out this page where they describe how to use the Mind Maps feature where you can use the product right...
Týden mobilně 555: Záplava výhodných akcí, krásné nové sítě a další mizející nabíječky
Minulý Týden nám sebral iPhone 12, takže jsme měli co dohánět! Epidemie a blížící se vánoce spustily neuvěřitelnou sérii akcí u mobilních operátorů. Zaměřují se hlavně na žáky, studenty, jejich učitele a seniory:
Koronavirové akce od T-Mobilu
Koronavirové akce u O2 a Vodafonu
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Little Things on My Personal Site
I updated my personal website the other day. Always a fun project since it’s one of the few where it’s 100% just me. It’s my own personal playground with no other goal than making the site represent me to have a little fun. It’s not a complete re-write, just some new paint....
Comparing Static Site Generator Build Times
There are so many static site generators (SSGs). It’s overwhelming trying to decide where to start. While an abundance of helpful articles may help wade through the (popular) options, they don’t magically make the decision easy.
I’ve been on a quest to help make that decision easier. A colleague...
Harvest Finance Token Plummets 65% After Attack Saps DeFi Site of TVL
A possible exploit in DeFi protocol Harvest Finance has caused the site's TVL to drop sharply, along with the price of its FARM token
Facebook Dating je v Česku. Do sociální sítě se dostává plnohodnotná seznamka
Facebook po dlouhé odmlce opět rozšířil svou seznamku – Facebook Dating. V oddělené sekci je tak možné si vytvořit seznamkový profil a nelézt životní lásku. Teda takto si to alespoň Facebook představuje. Služba je dostupná i v Česku.
V rámci aplikací na seznamování celosvětově zabírá významnou
Hotel Bitcoin ATMs on the Rise With Addition of Swiss Hotel Dolder Grand
The number of hotels with a bitcoin ATM on-site is growing in Switzerland. The latest announcement came from The Dolder Grand, a luxury hotel and spa in Zurich, which recently installed a crypto ATM supporting four cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin ATMs Gaining Popularity in Hotels The Dolder Grand...
How to Think Like a Front-End Developer
The topical idea of “how to think like a front-end developer” began for me as a series of podcast interviews on ShopTalk Show. That was in preparation for a talk I was preparing (and gave) of the same name. That talk evolved into my essay The Great Divide, which evolved into the essay...
WooCommerce Payments, Now with Support for Subscriptions and Saved Cards
A little while back we shared the news that WooCommerce shipped a beta payments feature as part of its 4.0 release. It’s a free plugin with no monthly costs or setup fees. You only pay when you make a sale.
We’re actually using this right here at CSS-Tricks. In fact, Chris blogged...
Our Best Posts on Web Components
A grouping of hand-selected posts from our site about Web Components. We've published a very useful article series from Caleb Williams, so that's here, but also sprinkled in some other informational and link posts on the subject.
The post Our Best Posts on Web Components appeared first...
[článek] Neřešme původ, největším nebezpečím je uživatel a jeho levné krabičky mimo bezpečnostní pravidla sítě
[6 minut čtení] Mají-li operátoři stavět gigabitové sítě, potřebují od státu jasná pravidla pro jejich zabezpečení. Čím dříve, tím lépe, píše šéf jedné z operátorských asociací. Hodně se teď mluví o kybernetické bezpečnosti, zabezpečení a tom, jak bezpečné či nebezpečné jsou čínské firmy v sítích...
Netlify Edge Handlers
Some very cool news from Netlify: Edge Handlers are in Early Access (request it here). I think these couple of lines of code do a great job in explaining what an Edge Handler is:
export function onRequest(event) {
console.log(`Incoming request for ${event.request.url}`);
Run Gulp as You Open a VS Code Project
When I open my local project for this very site, there is a 100% chance that I need to run this command before anything else: gulp. I set that up fresh less than a year ago so I’m on the latest-and-greatest stuff and have my workflow just how I like it. I did a few more tweaks a few months...
Curate Custom Content with mediastack
I used to have a personal aggregator of sites I enjoyed but maintaining it was a nightmare. I needed to grab each site’s RSS feed, categorize their contents, deal with errors and individual rate limits, etc. I had to tear the whole project down because it was a nightmare to manage. Fast...
Cryptowisser: 75 Crypto Exchanges Dead in 2020 – More Will Follow
5th October 2020, leading Crypto service comparison site – Cryptowisser, announces its Crypto exchange graveyard. The detailed page lists and explains the many crypto exchanges (largely centralized exchanges) that have disappeared, expired or collapsed this year, giving an insight into...
Make Your Own Dev Tool
Amber Wilson on making bookmarklets to help yo-self. She shows off one that injects an accessibility script — I like this approach, as it means you don’t have to maintain the bookmarklet, just the script it links to). Another example runs some code contained right in the link. The result...
Jak sociální sítě ovlivňují náš život: Informace jsou v moci algoritmů
Sociální sítě se pro mnohé uživatele staly synonymem pro internet: nechodí na konkrétní weby dle vlastního zájmu, ale pouze na ty, které jim nabídnou algoritmy sociálních sítí. Proč je to nebezpečné? A jak dnes sociální sítě bojují proti šíření fake news?
Market Wrap: Bitcoin Sticks to $10.7K; DeFi Site dForce Doubles TVL in 24 Hours
Bitcoin's price forecast is looking bullish heading into the weekend. Meanwhile, DeFi investors doubled the total value locked in dForce
Data Site DeFi Pulse Fixes Bug, Says Value Locked Actually Hit $13B Last Week
Popular data analytics site DeFi Pulse has claimed a "previously undetected issue" saw TVL under-reported by more than $4 billion on Sept. 18
Accessible Web Animation: The WCAG on Animation Explained
It’s true, web animation can be accessible! Sometimes it just takes a little extra effort to make sure that it is. There are strategic things we can do to make sure our animations have a positive impact on accessibility, like planning how they contribute to the overall UX and ease of use of...