
Nalezeno "place": 647

Reduced Motion Picture Technique, Take Two

Did you see that neat technique for using the <picture> element with <source media=""> to serve an animated image (or not) based on a prefers-reduced-motion media query? After we shared that in our newsletter, we got an interesting reply from Michael Gale: What about folks who love...

PR: Legislators Support V20 Summit in Response to New FATF Rules

Legislators have shown their support for the V20 Summit which is set to take place alongside the G20 Leaders Summit in Osaka, Japan, 28 & 29 June 2019. The event will convene G20 representatives, national blockchain associations, the world’s leading Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs)...

Venezuela Issues 50,000 Bolivar Bill Amid Persistent Hyperinflation

Venezuelans are used to their currency costing less than the paper it’s printed on. Economic misfortunes and political upheaval place their country at the bottom of all inflation charts, year after year. The latest incarnation of the national fiat, Bolívar Soberano, has succumbed to...

Prevent Page Scrolling When a Modal is Open

Please stop me if you've heard this one before. You open a modal, scroll through it, close it, and wind up somewhere else on the page than you were when you opened the modal. That's because modals are elements on a page just like any other. It may stay in place (assuming that's what it's meant...

Implementing Private Variables In JavaScript

JavaScript (or ECMAScript) is the programming language that powers the web. Created in May 1995 by Brendan Eich, it’s found its place as a widely-used and versatile technology. Despite its success, it’s been met with its fair share of criticism, especially for idiosyncrasies. Things like objects...

South Korea Finds Itself in a Tough Spot Following Huawei Ban

The banning of Huawei by the United States has sparked off a meltdown in the markets, but it has also made life uncomfortable for a range of countries which fear diplomatic awkwardness due to the issue. South Korea is one such nation, and currently, the Asian country finds itself in a tough spot...

Everyone’s Talking About Security Tokens But No One’s Trading Them

There’s a party happening right now and everyone’s invited. The music’s playing, the fridge is loaded and the bathtub’s full of ice. All the ingredients for the sickest soiree are in place. There’s just one problem: the guests have yet to arrive. Welcome to the world...

Footnotes That Work in RSS Readers

Feedbin is the RSS reader I'm using at the moment. I was reading one of Harry's blog posts on it the other day, and I noticed a nice little interactive touch right inside Feedbin. There was a button-looking element with the number one which, as it turned out, was a footnote. I hovered over it,...

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