JavaScript Glossary: Array .push() Method
This methods appends one or more value to the last position of an array. This method mutates the array returning the new length of the array.
JavaScript Glossary: Array .pop() Method
This method takes out the last element from an array and returns it. The pop method mutates the array during this process reducing its length
JavaScript Glossary: Array .map() Method
The map() method takes a callback method that performs an operation on the elements in the array. It returns a new array containing the resulting values of running the
JavaScript Glossary: Array .includes() Method
This method checks if an array contains a given element. The return value for this method is a Boolean. true if the element exists in the array and f
JavaScript Glossary: Array .forEach() Method
The forEach() method takes a function that performs an action on each of the elements in this array.
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].forEach(functio
JavaScript Glossary: Array .toString() Method
This method returns a String representation of the elements withing the calling array. This method is somewhat similar to the join() method. It returns a s
JavaScript Glossary: Array.some()
This method checks if any of the elements contained in an array passes a set test. If at least one of the elements passes this test, true is returned. This method only
Revisiting the abbr element
An irresistible HTML element deep dive from Ire Aderinokun, this time on the <abbr title=""> element for abbreviations. You can kinda just use it (JUI) and it works fine, but if you're hoping to make a tooltip for them (which works on touchscreens as well), then it's much more complicated....
10 Amazing JavaScript Games In Under 13kB of Code
A collection of awesome browser games, each one masterfully crafted with only 13 kilobytes of code
The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms: Finding the Longest Word In a Sentence
Finding the longest word in a string of text is a very common algorithmic challenge in the JavaScript world. In this article we examine three ways to solve this challenge, with each method showcasi
JavaScript Glossary: Array .every() Method
The every method checks that each element in an array passes a set test. This method will return true if all the elements pass the set. Once an element tha
The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms: Hamming Distance
In this challenge we will come up with an algorithm to calculate the edit distance between two strings of equal length, also known as Hamming Distance.
What is hamming dist
Collective #489
React as a UI Runtime * WOWA * Lemon-JS * useHooks * Limiting JavaScript? * dailydevlinks * MiniSearch
Collective #489 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
What Hooks Mean for Vue
Not to be confused with Lifecycle Hooks, Hooks were introduced in React in v16.7.0-alpha, and a proof of concept was released for Vue a few days after. Even though it was proposed by React, it’s actually an important composition mechanism that has benefits across JavaScript framework ecosystems,...
Code Challenge #15: Simple Crazy Buttons with VanillaJS
Woohoo! This is the first of our live stream code challenge series, and we'll kick it off with completing a super satisfying and rather funny challenge using HTML, CSS and plain Vanilla JavaScript
CSS :placeholder-shown
One of the first plugins that would hit a new framework in the early days of JavaScript frameworks was a placeholder plugin, which is why we were so excited when HTML5 brought us the placeholder attribute. Then CSS lovers like me were thrilled when the CSS spec allowed us to style placeholders....
The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms: Palindromes
In this challenge we further strengthen our string manipulation skills by implementing simple algorithms to test if a string of text is a palindrome.
What is a palindrome?
WDRL — Edition 256: Safari 12.1, Chrome 72, PHP 7 performance, Sourcemaps in production and Maintaining large JavaScript codebases.
We need to act now to save our human living. It doesn’t matter that others don’t care, we as individuals need to make sure that we do everything we can to prevent our climate to go over into high-fever state (which is about 10 years away). It upon us to show companies that they need to...
11 Awesome JavaScript Extensions for Visual Studio Code
One of the most impressive parts of Visual Studio Code is customizability, especially via extensions. I won't cover framework specific extensions, but here are some of the best extensions in VS Cod
Designing for the web ought to mean making HTML and CSS
David Heinemeier Hansson has written an interesting post about the current state of web design and how designers ought to be able to still work on the code side of things:
We build using server-side rendering, Turbolinks, and Stimulus. All tools that are approachable and realistic for designers...