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Grid, content re-ordering and accessibility

Take this: <ol> <li>Get hungry</li> <li>Order pizza</li> <li>Eat pizza</li> </ol> That HTML ends up in the DOM that way (and thus how it is is exposed to assistive technology), and by default, those list items are also visually...

Liquid Exchange Opens Pre-sale for Telegram’s New Cryptocurrency

Telegram’s new cryptocurrency, the Gram, will go on pre-sale through Japanese exchange platform Liquid by Quoine on July 10, ahead of a full-scale launch slated for October 31. However, there are several twists in the tale already, as residents of Japan, the United States and dozens of other...’s Local Bitcoin Cash Marketplace Is Now Open for Trading

The highly anticipated is now available to the general public. As of right now, anyone in the world can use the service to trade bitcoin cash (BCH) securely. Since pre-launch signups were announced last month, thousands of traders have created accounts and there are over 2,200...

Reducing motion with the picture element

Here’s a bonafide CSS/HTML trick from Brad Frost and Dave Rupert where they use the <picture> element to switch out a GIF file with an image if the user has reduced motion enabled. This is how Brad goes about implementing that: <picture> <!-- This image will be loaded if...

The Browser Can Remember Edited Content

You can make the text inside any HTML element editable by adding the contenteditable attribute. <div contenteditable> Hey, I'm like a textarea kinda now! </div> I wouldn't say there are wheelbarrows full of use-cases for that, but it's neat. One possible use might be...

Crypto Market Rebounds to Pre-crash Level

The crypto market moved up sharply on Sunday, recovering all its loses suffered after a crash on Friday. At pixel time (10:17 UTC), all top 100 coins by market capitalization (except four stablecoins) are in green, while bitcoin cash and binance coin are the two biggest gainers (+16% and +14%...

Footnotes That Work in RSS Readers

Feedbin is the RSS reader I'm using at the moment. I was reading one of Harry's blog posts on it the other day, and I noticed a nice little interactive touch right inside Feedbin. There was a button-looking element with the number one which, as it turned out, was a footnote. I hovered over it,...

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About inputmode

The inputmode global attribute provides a hint to browsers for devices with onscreen keyboards to help them decide which keyboard to display when a user has selected any input or textarea element. <input type="text" inputmode="" /> <textarea inputmode="" /> Unlike changing the type...

The Thinking Behind Simplifying Event Handlers

Events are used to respond when a user clicks somewhere, focuses on a link with their keyboard, and changes the text in a form. When I first started learning JavaScript, I wrote complicated event listeners. More recently, I've learned how to reduce both the amount of code I write and the number...

A responsive grid layout with no media queries

Andy Bell made a really cool demo that shows us how to create a responsive grid layout without any media queries at all. It happens to look like this when you change the size of the browser window: I think this is a wonderful layout technique that’s just 6 lines (!) of CSS. .auto-grid...

Getting To Know The MutationObserver API

MutationObserver watches the DOM, specifically the places you tell it to, like: document.querySelector('#watch-this'); ...and it can tell you (trigger a callback) when stuff happens — like when a child is added, removed, changed, or a number of other things. I used it just the other day...


Jeremy on the divide between the core languages of the web, and all the tooling that exists to produce code in those languages: On the one hand, you’ve got the raw materials of the web: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is what users will ultimately interact with. On the other hand, you’ve got...

The Simplest Ways to Handle HTML Includes

It's extremely surprising to me that HTML has never had any way to include other HTML files within it. Nor does there seem to be anything on the horizon that addresses it. I'm talking about straight up includes, like taking a chunk of HTML and plopping it right into another. For example the...

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