
Nalezeno "Wall Street": 641

How Prime Brokerage Will Affect Crypto Markets

Prime brokerage firms are coming for crypto in what’s likely to be a race of winner-takes-almost-all. Goldman Sachs is synonymous with institutional wealth and power, even to those who’ve never purchased a financial product in their life. Like the eponymous tower it occupies in Jersey...

Despite Setbacks, Darknet Markets Show Continuous Growth in 2019

Since the birth of the Silk Road, there’s been a cat and mouse game between global law enforcement and darknet market (DNM) operators. Over the last two years, law enforcement agencies have knocked out a slew of markets like Hansa and the massive Alphabay. Months later, Dream and Wall Street...

Reformed BTC Maximalist Erik Finman Proves the Value of Unschooling

A 12-year-old, future unschooling advocate at an Occupy Wall Street protest learns about Bitcoin while running from the cops. He invests. Later, the independent Erik Finman will become the supposed “world’s youngest bitcoin millionaire” at age 18. That’s not where the story...

Big Banks Enabled Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Trafficking Crimes

Unlike the unfounded narrative that cryptocurrency enables crime, big banks are more than happy to serve unsavory clients if it is lucrative enough for them. The latest example of this is a report that Jeffrey Epstein was apparently using his bank accounts to fund sex trafficking and possibly other...

Wall Street Believes That the Trade War with China is Set to Continue

The trade war between the United States and China has proven to be the biggest diplomatic and economic issue in the world over the past few months. However, following the escalation of tensions between the two sides over the past few weeks, there is a belief that the trade war is going to persist...

Němci rozprášili Wall Street Market, druhý největší obchod na darknetu

Druhou největší ilegální obchodní platformu na černém internetovém trhu, tedy na tzv. darknetu, se podařilo rozbít německým vyšetřovatelům ve spolupráci s evropskými a americkými úřady. Generální státní zastupitelství ve Frankfurtu nad Mohanem oznámilo, že v souvislosti s uzavřením zločinného...

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