Známá astrobioložka tvrdí, že Muskův Starship je potenciální „morální katastrofa“
Elon Musk se nijak netají tím, že touží co možná nejdřív dopravit lidi na Mars a v ideálním případě i zahájit jeho kolonizaci. Ne každý však jeho entuziasmus sdílí.
Řada odborníků varuje, že nebudeme-li dostatečně opatrní, mohli bychom neúmyslně zničit mimozemský život, který se na rudé planetě
Parity Updates Tech to Let You Turn Old Phones Into Cold Storage Crypto Wallets
Parity adds support for Polkadot in the latest beta version of its mobile cold wallet app
Elon Musk představil prototyp kosmické lodi Starship i své další plány
Elon Musk představil prototyp kosmické lodi Starship i své další plány
Na oběžné dráze za půl roku. Musk představil novinky o Starship, NASA ironicky tleskala
Elon Musk při příležitosti výročí letu rakety Falcon 1 představil další podrobnosti o kosmické lodi Starship a chystaných prototypech. • NASA firmu kritizuje, že stejné nadšení nevěnuje objednanému pilotovanému programu
Meeting GraphQL at a Cocktail Mixer
GraphQL and REST are two specifications used when building APIs for websites to use. REST defines a series of unique identifiers (URLs) that applications use to request and send data. GraphQL defines a query language that allows client applications to specify precisely the data they need from...
Get Geographic Information from an IP Address for Free
Say you need to know what country someone visiting your website is from, because you have an internationalized site and display different things based on that country. You could ask the user. You might want to have that functionality anyway to make sure your visitors have control, but surely they...
PR: Announces Partnership With Telecommunications Manufacturer HTC
16.9.2019, one of the world’s oldest and most established cryptocurrency innovators with over 4.5 million wallet holders worldwide, and leading telecommunications manufacturer HTC have announced the beginning of a long-term, mutually beneficial partnership to drive innovation and adoption...
Awesome Demos Roundup #8
A roundup of hand-picked web experiments using the latest front-end technologies to ignite the creative coder in you.
Awesome Demos Roundup #8 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Bitmain Launches Next Gen Miner as Bitcoin Hashrate Touches 100 Exahash
Last Thursday the China-based mining rig manufacturer Bitmain announced the launch of two new Antminers that offer hashrates between 53 to 64 terahash per second (TH/s). When the Antminer sale started on Monday, first batch devices sold extremely fast and Bitmain expects to deliver units...
Kde přistát na Marsu? SpaceX a NASA už vybírají místa pro přistání lodě Starship
SpaceX ve spolupráci s NASA vybírá na Marsu místa přistání pro loď Starship. • Na povrchu rudé planety bylo vybráno devět lokalit
Signzy Teams Up With Primechain Technologies To Launch AI-Based Smart Banking Solution
Bengaluru-based leading fintech startup firm, Signzy has announced its collaboration with a reputed global Blockchain company, Primechain Technologies. The highly-anticipated partnership will work to frame out an AI-centered smart banking solution to cater to the requirements of the banking...
Argo Blockchain PLC Ceases Its Proposed Partnership with Hive Blockchain Technologies
Argo Blockchain PLC has come to a decision to stall its discussion with Hive Blockchain Infrastructure Ltd., a Canadian blockchain infrastructure group, over a proposed partnership. Argo has said that it had implemented a 16 million US Dollar investment program since it had signed heads of terms...
Amberdata Discovers ‘RPC Call’ Bug in Parity Ethereum Client
A new code release of the Parity ethereum client was released on Thursday to patch a security vulnerability found by blockchain startup Amberdata
Going Buildless
I'm in a long distance relationship. That means I’m on a plane to England every few weeks, and every time I'm on that plane, I think about how nice it would be to read some Reddit posts. What I could do is find a Reddit app that lets me cache posts for offline (I’m sure there is one out there),...
Web3’s Gavin Wood Launches Kusama Network to Test Polkadot Protocol
The Web3 Foundation launched a live experimental version of the Polkadot network on Friday. Here's what Kusama will be testing
Crypto Asset NYM to Fuel Test of Tokenized Facebook Login Alternative
Privacy-focused Nym Technologies plans to launch a testnet this fall. Its identity system masks identifying user data across blockchains
Using Netlify Forms and Netlify Functions to Build an Email Sign-Up Widget
Building and maintaining your own website is a great idea. Not only do you own your platform, but you get to experiment with web technologies along the way. Recently, I dug into a concept called serverless functions, starting with my own website. I’d like to share the results and what I learned...
Lessons Learned from a Year of Testing the Web Platform
Mike Pennisi:
The web-platform-tests project is a massive suite of tests (over one million in total) which verify that software (mostly web browsers) correctly implement web technologies. It’s as important as it is ambitious: the health of the web depends on a plurality of interoperable...
Testovací verze Starshipu od SpaceX udělá první skok. Možná už dnes vyletí do výšky 20 metrů
SpaceX připravuje první let Starhopperu, což je testovací verze kosmické lodě Starship • Při prvním letu se má dostat do výšky 20 metrů • Pak budou následovat další lety
Ještě větší silou: SpaceX posiluje výkon rakety Starship – Super Heavy
Ještě větší silou: SpaceX posiluje výkon rakety Starship – Super Heavy