
Nalezeno "application": 717

Getting into GraphQL with AWS AppSync

GraphQL is becoming increasingly popular. The problem is that if you are a front-end developer, you are only half of the way there. GraphQL is not just a client technology. The server also has to be implemented according to the specification. This means that in order to implement GraphQL into your...

Using React Loadable for Code Splitting by Components and Routes

In a bid to have web applications serve needs for different types of users, it’s likely that more code is required than it would be for one type of user so the app can handle and adapt to different scenarios and use cases, which lead to new features and functionalities. When this happens, it’s...

Refactoring Tunnels

We’ve been writing a lot about refactoring CSS lately, from how to take a slow and methodical approach to getting some quick wins. As a result, I’ve been reading a ton about this topic and somehow stumbled upon this post by Harry Roberts about refactoring and how to mitigate the potential risks...

Writing Tests for React Applications Using Jest and Enzyme

While it is important to have a well-tested API, solid test coverage is a must for any React application. Tests increase confidence in the code and helps prevent shipping bugs to users. That’s why we’re going to focus on testing in this post, specifically for React applications. By the end, you’ll...

Need to Test API Endpoints? Two Quick Ways to Do It.

Here's a possibility! Perhaps you are testing your JavaScript with a framework like Jasmine. That's nice because you can write lots of tests to cover your application, get a nice little UI to see the output, and even integrate it with build and deploy tools to make your ongoing development work...

Getting Started with Nest.js

If you have ever worked on a Node.js application before, either built a REST API or an enterprise application, you must have realised how tedious and daunting it was to maintain, especially wheneve

Using React Portals to Render Children Outside the DOM Hierarchy

Say we need to render a child element into a React application. Easy right? That child is mounted to the nearest DOM element and rendered inside of it as a result. render() { return ( <div> // Child to render inside of the div </div> ); } But! What if we want...

Animating Between Views in React

You know how some sites and web apps have that neat native feel when transitioning between two pages or views? Sarah Drasner has shown some good examples and even a Vue library to boot. These animations are the type of features that can turn a good user experience into a great one. But to achieve...

Compound Components in React Using the Context API

Compound components in React allow you to create components with some form of connected state that’s managed amongst themselves. A good example is the Form component in Semantic UI React. To see how we can implement compound components in a real-life React application, we’ll build a compound...

Build a To-Do application Using Django and React

Web development has grown rapidly over the last decade, and there's a long list of frameworks to choose from when building your projects. A developer’s decision on what framework(s) to use for a p

Find and Change Default App for File Type from Command Line

There are few things more frustrating to any computer user than files opening in an unwanted application.  Sure you can use the Open menu item in the desired application but we all just want to double-click a file and see it open in the application we expect.  I recently got to thinking about this...

Build a state management system with vanilla JavaScript

Managing state is not a new thing in software, but it’s still relatively new for building software in JavaScript. Traditionally, we’d keep state within the DOM itself or even assign it to a global object in the window. Now though, we’re spoiled with choices for libraries and frameworks to help...

Finite State Machines with React

As JavaScript applications on the web have grown more complex, so too has the complexity of dealing with state in those applications — state being the aggregate of all the data that an application needs to perform its function. Over the last several years, there has been a ton of great...

Prototyping in the Browser

Prototyping animations and interactions is vital for a number of reasons: they can make your interface feel deceptively fast, they can help focus the user on a specific task, and they can provide a better sense of the current state of your application. Is data being loaded? Is something...

Handling Errors with Error Boundary

Thinking and building in React involves approaching application design in chunks, or components. Each part of your application that performs an action can and should be treated as a component. In fact, React is component-based and, as Tomas Eglinkas recently wrote, we should leverage that concept...

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