
Nalezeno "sentiment": 698

Crypto Market Sentiment Worsened as Prices Drop

The crypto market sentiment measure, Sentscore, for the top ten coins has dropped significantly in the past week, deep into the neutral zone, from last Monday's 5.32 to today's 4.8, according to Omenics , a crypto market sentiment analysis service. The only coin in the positive zone remains...

Crypto Market Sentiment: Bitcoin is the Only One in the Positive Zone

This week, the crypto market sentiment measure, Sentscore has risen slightly for a second week in a row, now being at 5.32, compared to last Monday’s 5.29, according to Omenics , a crypto market sentiment analysis service. It remains to be seen if the steady rise is a part of a longer trend. While...

Crypto Market Sentiment Improved Over the Week

We find the crypto market sentiment measure, SentScore, at 5.29 this Monday, which is better than 5.03 seen this time last week, but still not reaching its 5.66 score from two weeks ago, according to Omenics , a crypto market sentiment analysis service. As it became a standard over the past...

Crypto Market Sentiment: Deeper into Neutral Zone

After witnessing a rise in the crypto market sentiment measure, SentScore from 5.36 to 5.66 a week earlier, we find it at 5.03 this Monday, landing in the middle of the neutral zone, according to Omenics , a crypto market sentiment analysis service. Once again, there are no coins in the negative...

Crypto Market Sentiment: Litecoin Joins Bitcoin in the Positive Zone

The crypto market sentiment measure, SentScore this Monday has risen to 5.66, coming closer to the positive zone comparing to last Monday’s 5.36, according to Omenics , a crypto market sentiment analysis service. Just like last week, most coins are within the neutral zone, except for two. For...

Crypto Market Sentiment: Now EOS Stands with BTC in the Positive Zone

This Monday, we see the crypto market sentiment slightly dropping comparing to last Monday’s 5.48, now being at 5.36, but still higher than it was two weeks ago (5.1), according to Omenics (previously, Predicoin), a crypto market sentiment analysis service. Most coins rest within the neutral...

Crypto Market Sentiment: Ethereum Joins Bitcoin in the Positive Zone

The crypto market sentiment continues its improvement with its score now standing at 5.48 – up from last week’s 5.1, according to Omenics (previously - Predicoin,) a crypto market sentiment analysis service. Most coins saw a rise in their respective scores and all remain in the neutral zone, while...

Crypto Market Sentiment: Only Bitcoin in the Positive Range

The overall sentiment in the cryptocurrency market is recovering this week with a score of 5.1 for the top 10 coins by market capitalization, compared to last week’s 4.84, according to Predicoin, a crypto market sentiment analysis service. However, out of those, only Bitcoin is not in the neutral...

Renewed Market Growth Has Sparked Demand for Crypto-Backed Loans

With cryptocurrency markets back to life, hodling sounds like a smart strategy once again. Cryptocurrency owners are now more likely to pledge coins to borrow fiat if they need it, rather than sell their appreciating digital assets. The spread of crypto-backed loans could also be a good indicator...

The Great Divide

Let’s say there is a divide happening in front-end development. I feel it, but it's not just in my bones. Based on an awful lot of written developer sentiment, interviews Dave Rupert and I have done on ShopTalk, and in-person discussion, it’s, as they say... a thing. The divide is between people...

Keep Math in the CSS

There is a sentiment that leaving math calculations in your CSS is a good idea that I agree with. This is for math that you could calculate at authoring time, but specifically chose not to. For instance, if you needed a 7-column float-based grid (don't ask), it's cleaner and more intuitive: .col...

Building “Renderless” Vue Components

There's this popular analogy of Vue that goes like this: Vue is what you get when React and Angular come together and make a baby. I've always shared this feeling. With Vue’s small learning curve, it's no wonder so many people love it. Since Vue tries to give the developer power over components...


There is this sentiment that you don't design the homepage of a site first. For most sites, it's an anomaly. It's unlike any other page and not something to base the patterns you use for the rest of the site or help inform other pages. You might call it a one-off.1 One-offs are OK! A world without...

​​Build live comments with sentiment analysis using Nest.js

(This is a sponsored post.) Interestingly, one of the most important areas of a blog post is the comment section. This plays an important role in the success of a post or an article, as it allows proper interaction and participation from readers. This makes it inevitable for every platform with...

​Build live comments with sentiment analysis using Nest.js

(This is a sponsored post.) Interestingly, one of the most important areas of a blog post is the comment section. This plays an important role in the success of a post or an article, as it allows proper interaction and participation from readers. This makes it inevitable for every platform with...

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