Why Double Spends on BCH Are Not the Same as Replace-By-Fee Fraud
When it comes to creating a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, accepting zero confirmation transactions becomes critically important. When a model’s main aim is to “just hodl” or push an isolated store of value narrative, important concerns like double spending can take a back...
Ethereum’s ‘Bazaar’ Development Model Will Pay Off in 2020
2020 is Ethereum 2.0’s year of delivery. We just have to trust in the community's unusual model of development, says ConsenSys's Eth2 adviser
The Central Bank Business Model Is Under Attack
Libra spurred central banks into action on digital currency projects this year
Weiss Ratings Downgrades EOS to ‘C-‘ Due to Centralization – How Other Coins Measure Up
Weiss Ratings has downgraded EOS once again, taking its ranking from a B to a C-. The group cites “failure to decentralize,” “misallocation of resources,” and a congested network as reasons for the fall in rank. “Weiss Crypto Ratings model is not based on opinion....
Skrill Now Lets You Swap BTC for BCH
Online payments service Skrill has introduced a new feature allowing users to directly exchange cryptocurrencies. The crypto-to-crypto option gives you the opportunity to use bitcoin core (BTC) stored in your wallet to buy and sell eight other supported cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin cash...
Revamping the Traditional PPV TV Subscription Model With Blockchain
As Netflix, Disney+ and others continue to prove their dominance over the streaming market, a decentralized solution could become a contender
Product Search and Filters Are a Snap With WooCommerce
Let's say you visit an e-commerce site because you want to buy the latest banana peeler model. Bananas are hard enough to peel, right? Only a tool will do!
What's the first thing you're going to do on the site? Chances are, it's entering something into the (hopefully) prominent search field....
Integrating the Cashback Model into Any Business
It’s a known fact that achieving sales in your business is essential for growth.  Well, you can uplift your salesContinue Reading
The post Integrating the Cashback Model into Any Business appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog
Integrating the Cashback Model into Your Business
It’s a known fact that achieving sales in your business is essential for growth.  Well, you can uplift your sales volume with cashback business integration. The concept that you can get a monetary reward when you make a purchase you […]
The post Integrating the Cashback Model into Your...
Grin’s Mimblewimble Privacy Model Under Threat After Alleged Break-In
Despite Grin’s backers claiming that the newly discovered flaws were already well documented, the platform’s overall reputation seems to have taken a severe beating
Pornhub Model Riley Steele Shows Support for Verge (XVG) After Paypal’s Withdrawal
Riley Steele, the ravishing star of popular classic Piranha 3D, has stated that she has been exploring cryptocurrencies as an unprecedented replacement for traditional payment networks to channelize her income sources conveniently. The bold porn star grabbing the 486th spot on Pornhub aspires...
The Typed Object Model
I help write technical documentation and one feature I've been writing about this year that has really stood out is the Typed Object Model (or Typed OM). If you haven't come across it yet you would be forgiven as it's pretty new. It falls under the CSS Houdini suite of API's and on the surface...
Iranian Grid Explains Electrical Costs Will Fluctuate for Bitcoin Miners
Throughout the course of 2019, Iran’s government and the country’s energy officials have been creating new guidelines for bitcoin miners setting up data facilities in the oil-rich nation. On Wednesday, Mostafa Rajabi, a spokesperson for Iran’s Energy Ministry, described a...
Pornhub Suggests Crypto Payments After Paypal Censors Model Payouts
On November 14, the leading adult video sharing site on the internet, Pornhub, revealed that payment processor Paypal has blocked the company’s live performer payouts. In a blog post written on Thursday, Pornhub recommended alternative payments like writing a check or using the digital...
PayPal’s Axing of PornHub Model Payments May Boost Verge Crypto
PayPal has abruptly cut its payments service to thousands of live performers on Pornhub. Can the verge crypto pick up the slack?
US-based Payment Processor PayPal Ceases Pornhub Model Payouts
Taking pride in being one of the world’s biggest online payments system, PayPal recently shocked the financial space through its announcement of halting processing of payments of all Pornhub models via its network. The critical news came as an unpleasant surprise for many as the Pornhub industry...
Tesla letos začne v Číně vyrábět Model 3. Podívejte se na první fotografie
Dodržování termínů je v případě americké automobilky Tesla jednou ze slabých stránek. Zdá se ale, že v případě továrny v čínské Šanghaji, označované jako Gigafactory 3, jde zatím vše podle plánu. Přípravné práce byly zahájeny „na zelené louce“ v lednu a podle posledních zpráv by během několika
Analyst PlanB: Weak Dollar Can Upend Bitcoin Stock-to-Flow Model
Bitcoin price model could last up to 3 more halvings
Elon Musk prozradil, proč je nad zpětným zrcátkem Tesly Model 3 kamera namířená do interiéru
Každá Tesla Model 3 je mimo jiné vybavena tajemnou kamerou, která je umístěna těsně nad zpětným zrcátkem a směřuje do interiéru automobilu.
Tato zařízení jsou prý zatím neaktivní, nicméně Tesla s nimi má velké plány. Podle včerejšího tweetu Elona Muska jsou „zamýšleny pro robotaxi“. Electrek
Xiaomi začalo prodávat vlastní monitory. První 34" model cílí na hráče, má 144 Hz a prohnutou obrazovku
Herní počítačový segment oproti ostatním stále roste, což je vidět i na popularitě produktů a komponent pro něj. Tuto vlnu si nechce nechat ujít ani Xiaomi, které začalo nabízet vlastní herní monitor.
Xiaomi Mi Surface Display je určen pro náročné hráče a specifikace tomu odpovídají. V rámci