Creating a Diversity Scholarship Program for Your Conference
My partner and I ran a design and development conference company for eight years. During that time, we produced hundreds of hours of conferences, both on-site and online. Diversity scholarships were only becoming a typical conference offering around the time we decided to sunset our business....
CEO of Ripple Equated xCurrent as an Upgrade to SWIFT
In the recent Swiss National Bank Conference, many of the major players from the banks and financial institutions participated. The theme of the event was around the creation of CBDC’s and their impact on the global economy, and lastly the use of USD as the prominent currency on the global level....
SEC Commissioner Says Time Is Right for Bitcoin ETFs — 3 Funds Pending
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is currently reviewing three bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), one of which was filed last week to track the prices of two cryptocurrencies. An SEC commissioner said at the Consensus conference on Monday that the time is right for a bitcoin...
So, You Wanna Submit a Proposal to Speak at an Event
You’ve been scouring the web for upcoming events. You’ve subscribed to Developer Avocados and you’ve bookmarked And now you’ve found a call for proposals (CFP) that you can’t wait to enter. You quickly fill out the online form and your pinky races towards the Enter...
Vítejte v džungli: Co potřebujete, abyste mohli úspěšně řídit byznys na Amazonu
Amazon je přesně tím, co titulek napovídá – divokou, hustou džunglí, která nedá svým obyvatelům šanci, pokud sejdou z cesty a nepřinesou zásob. Mnoho mladých podnikatelů do této džungle vydalo s přesvědčením „můžu řídit svět, všechno, co potřebuji, je poháněné nastavením mysli, nasazením a guru...
A Site for Front-End Development Conferences (Built with 11ty on Netlify)
I built a new little site! It's a site for listing upcoming conferences in the world of front-end web design and development. In years past (like 2017), Sarah Drasner took up this daunting job. We used a form for new conference submissions, but it was still a rather manual task of basically...
Come to An Event Apart in 2019
The 2019 season for An Event Apart (the premiere web and interaction design conference) is about to kick off!
Seattle - March 4–6, 2019
Boston - May 6–8, 2019
Washington DC - July 29–31, 2019
Chicago - August 26–28, 2019
Denver - October 28–30, 2019
San Francisco - December 9–11...
CSS doesn’t suck
I'm not so protective of CSS that I'm above hearing it criticized, but I'm certainly in agreement here. CSS does not suck. I love how the post is framed to hype up current CSS features the way features of other languages and tools are hyped:
Imagine if a tech dude walked on stage at a conference...
WordCamp US 2018
I recently attended and had the chance to speak at WordCamp US 2018 in Nashville. I had a great time. I love conferences that bring people together around a tight theme because it's very likely you'll have something to talk about with every person there. Plus, I rather like WordPress and...
Getting started with Azure Functions using VS Code: Zero to Deploy
This article was co-authored by Peter Ekene Eze. He’s a freelance developer evangelist and conference volunt
The All Powerful Front-End Developer
I posted a video of this talk some months back, but it was nearly an hour and a half long. Here's an updated version that I gave at JAMstack_conf that's only 30 minutes:
The gist is that the front-end stack is wildly powerful these days. Our front-end skillset can be expanded to give us power...
Script & Style Show: Episode 16: JavaScript & LEDs with Kristina Durivage
In this episode: Todd’s back from an amazing conference and David sees this week’s guest as being the ticket to making his kids thing he’s a super hero. The amazing Kristina Durivage stops by to talk JavaScript, electrical engineering and unusual uses of LEDs for programming...
Remote Conferences; Bridging the Gap, Clearing the Odds
A few weeks back, I saw one of my esteemed mentors decry the psychological traumas he had experienced, following series and series of refusals at certain embassies.
“A child concentrating hard at school” by Les Anderson on Unsplash
You would think he went for a contract he did not have the capacity...
Script & Style Show: Episode 8: Conferences
On this episode: David turns carmudgeon when it comes to conferences. The crew talks about different conferences, pitfalls of going to a conference, and most importantly, how to be successful at a conference. Enjoy!
The post Script & Style Show: Episode 8: Conferences appeared first...
[článek] Internet Advertising Conference 2018: GDPR pročistí trh
[7 minut čtení] Připravit se na GDPR není sice snadné, avšak je to příležitost nejen udělat si v datech pořádek, ale také očistit trh od podvodníků a napravit mu pověst. „Internet Advertising Conference“, která se ve čtvrtek 5. dubna sešla už po jedenácté, je výroční konference pořádaná Sdružením...
[aktualita] Druhá Experience Conference 2018 v Bratislavě nabídne to nejlepší z UX
UX manažerka ubytovací služby Airbnb, vedoucí výzkumu používání smartphonů Googlu nebo séf designu českého startupu To jsou někteří z řečníků, kteří vystoupí na druhém ročníku slovenské Experience Conference 2018. Konference zaměřená na UX design a digitální inovace proběhne 26. a...
A Strange High: Two Days at Denver’s Crypto-Cannabis Conference
Denver's Crypto-Cannabis Conference wants a marriage between the cryptocurrency and cannabis industry, but is the use case strong enough?