The Place of UX
Every time "UX" comes out of my mouth or is typed by my fingers, I think, "did I just use that term correctly?" It feels like such a big and loaded term these days, that perhaps the way I use it only contributes to the confusion. Ryan Singer frames that problem well:
Debates continue to rage about...
That Time I Tried Browsing the Web Without CSS
CSS is what gives every website its design. Websites sure aren’t very fun and friendly without it! I’ve read about somebody going a week without JavaScript and how the experience resulted in websites that were faster, though certain aspects of them would not function as expected.
But CSS. Turning...
7 Useful JavaScript Tricks
Just like every other programming language, JavaScript has dozens of tricks to accomplish both easy and difficult tasks. Some tricks are widely known while others are enough to blow your mind. Let’s have a look at {x} JavaScript tricks you can start using today! Get Unique Values of an Array...
While solving for collaboration, we built a product that our own teams love and use everyday!
(This is a sponsored post.)
Flock is a messaging and collaboration tool built for both designers and developers. With close-to-zero setup, it brings together all your team’s conversations, appointments, and files in one place, helping you spend more time on what you are best at — building...
How to Reverse a Video
One of my favorite media utilities is ffmpeg. This command line utility allows us to do some pretty amazing stuff like; Slice videos Convert video formats Modify video speed Combine audio and video Every once in a while I see a meme or funny video that reverses a video for effect. Since ffmpeg does...
Testing for Visual Regressions with Percy
It’s a Herculean task to test
Undefined: The Third Boolean Value
I wanted to implement a notification message in one of my projects, similar to what you’d see in Google Docs while a document is saving. In other words, a message shows up indicating that the document is saving every time a change is made. Then, once the changes are saved, the message becomes: “All...
Validating a Login Form With React
For almost every form that you create, you will want some sort of validation. In React, working with and validating forms can be a bit verbose, so in this article we are going to use a package call
A Gutenburg-Powered Newsletter
I like Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor. I'm not oblivious to all the conversation around accessibility, UX, and readiness, but I know how hard it is to ship software and I'm glad WordPress got it out the door. Now it can evolve for the better.
I see a lot of benefit to block-based editors. Some...
Understanding Event Emitters
Consider, a DOM Event:
const button = document.querySelector("button");
button.addEventListener("click", (event) => /* do something with the event */)
We added a listener to a button click. We’ve subscribed to an event being emitted and we fire a callback when it does. Every time we click that...
Simple & Boring
Simplicity is a funny adjective in web design and development. I'm sure it's a quoted goal for just about every project ever done. Nobody walks into a kickoff meeting like, "Hey team, design something complicated for me. Oh, and make sure the implementation is convoluted as well. Over-engineer that...
Creating A Social Follow Component in React
On almost every website, you're going to watch to share your Social Media accounts for visitors to follow. In this article, we are going to create a Social Follow component in React!
7 things you should know when getting started with Serverless APIs
I want you to take a second and think about Twitter, and think about it in terms of scale. Twitter has 326 million users. Collectively, we create ~6,000 tweets every second. Every minute, that’s 360,000 tweets created. That sums up to nearly 200 billion tweets a year. Now, what if the creators...
Level up your JavaScript error monitoring
(This is a sponsored post.)
Automatically detect and diagnose JavaScript errors impacting your users with Bugsnag. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in a fraction of the time.
Bugsnag detects every single error and prioritizes errors...
Level up your JavaScript error monitoring
(This is a sponsored post.)
Automatically detect and diagnose JavaScript errors impacting your users with Bugsnag. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in a fraction of the time.
Bugsnag detects every single error and prioritizes errors...
Front and Rear Camera Access with JavaScript's getUserMedia()
It seems like not so long ago every browser had the Flash plugin to get access to the devices media hardware to capture audio and video, with the help of these plugins, developers were able to get
JavaScript Glossary: Array .every() Method
The every method checks that each element in an array passes a set test. This method will return true if all the elements pass the set. Once an element tha
How do you figure?
Scott O'Hara digs into the <figure> and <figcaption> elements. Gotta love a good ol' HTML deep dive.
I use these on just about every blog post here on CSS-Tricks, and as I've suspected, I've basically been doing it wrong forever. My original thinking was that a figcaption was just...
Multiple Background Clip
You know how you can have multiple backgrounds?
body {
That's just background-image. You can set their position too, as you might expect. We'll shorthand it:
body {
url(image-one.jpg) no-repeat top right,
Designing for the web ought to mean making HTML and CSS
David Heinemeier Hansson has written an interesting post about the current state of web design and how designers ought to be able to still work on the code side of things:
We build using server-side rendering, Turbolinks, and Stimulus. All tools that are approachable and realistic for designers...