
Nalezeno "every": 772

Build Nodejs APIs Using Serverless

Simona Cotin did a great talk at Microsoft Build about Serverless technologies, called "Build Node APIs Using Serverless." In this talk, she addresses pretty much every major gotcha that you might run into while creating Serverless infrastructure for JavaScript applications. Some of the topics...

Detect WebVR Support with JavaScript

It’s been two years since I was heavily involved with WebVR at Mozilla but, despite not contributing every day, I can see VR making leaps and bounds, from Firefox making an increased effort to Chrome pushing VR and Oculus and HTC (Vive) improving their offerings.  Native games are getting...

Ship Map

Interactive maps can both be functional and, when combined with data, tell a good story. Kiln released this data-driven map (make sure to hit the play button) to show the routes of every cargo ship moving about on the high seas in 2012. Created by London-based data visualisation studio Kiln...

Animating Progress

Jonathan Snook on the complexity of animating the <progress> element. If you’re unfamiliar, that’s the element that spits out a bar chart-like visual that indicates a position between two values: This example has custom styles, but you get the point. Jonathan's post shows off a method...

CSS Blocks

A new entry into the CSS-in-JS landscape! Looks like the idea is that you write an individual CSS file for every component. You have to work in components, that's how the whole thing works. In the same isle as styled-components, css-modules, and glamorous. Then you write :scope { } which is...

​Level Up Your JavaScript Error Monitoring

(This is a sponsored post.) Automatically detect and diagnose JavaScript errors impacting your users with Bugsnag without changing your code or adding try/catch blocks. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in a fraction of the time compared...

4 Things Every Progressive Web App Must Have

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web app that uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users. It looks and behaves as if it is a mobile app and can be kinda installed. In t

I'm Loyal to Nothing Except the Dream

There is much I take for granted in my life, and the normal functioning of American government is one of those things. In my 46 years, I've lived under nine different presidents. The first I remember is Carter. I've voted in every presidential election since 1992, but I do not

The Raspberry Pi Has Revolutionized Emulation

Every geek goes through a phase where they discover emulation. It's practically a rite of passage. I think I spent most of my childhood – and a large part of my life as a young adult – desperately wishing I was in a video game arcade. When I finally obtained my driver's

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