
Nalezeno "2011": 93

Building a PC, Part IX: Downsizing

Hard to believe that I've had the same PC case since 2011, and my last serious upgrade was in 2015. I guess that's yet another sign that the PC is over, because PC upgrades have gotten really boring. It took 5 years for me to muster up the initiative to

Custom Elements v praxi

Jak se něco dozvědět o nové technologii? Vyzkoušet ji v praxi! Mám za sebou už pár neseriózních pokusů s vlastními HTML značkami a v minulých dnech a týdnech jsem s jejich pomocí přepsal regulérní aplikaci webového klienta pro MPD, nazvaného CYP. Co jsem se při tom naučil a dozvěděl?

The Case of the Stolen Domain Names

Back in 2011, the domain name for this site,, was stolen. "Domain Hijacking," they call it. It wasn't just this site, but around 12 others in the design and development space. To this day, none of us really know how it happened and who was behind it, although I believe all...

Bitpay Users Can Now Purchase Crypto With Fiat In-App

On January 23, the cryptocurrency payment firm Bitpay announced it will be allowing customers to purchase digital assets using the Bitpay platform. The Atlanta-based company partnered with fiat-to-crypto payment processor Simplex to offer the crypto purchasing experience. Bitpay says the latest...

Someone Redeemed a 100 BTC Casascius Bar Worth Over $700K

In 2011, Mike Caldwell created the notorious Casascius physical bitcoin collection, and since then the series of coins has become extremely valuable. Over the last two months, a bunch of people have redeemed their Casascius coins and on December 23 someone peeled a 100 BTC ($723K) Casascius bar....

Bitcoin History Part 22: The New Wealthy Elite

“I am pretty confident we are the new wealthy elite, gentlemen, even with a sum as small as 10 bitcoins … The world just isn’t going to be the same and we have been blessed as the pioneers.” When these remarks were made in June of 2011, they seemed hopeful to the point...

Bitcoin History Part 20: BTC Reaches $1

It was a milestone that Bitcoin loyalists had long anticipated. Nevertheless, a toast was in order the day BTC reached parity with the US dollar. February 9, 2011 was the historic date, and over on the Bitcointalk forum, talk inevitably turned to what this meant for the nascent cryptocurrency. Also...

Satoshi’s Final Messages Leave Tantalizing Clues to His Disappearance

As Jameson Lopp once quipped, the smartest thing Satoshi did after creating Bitcoin was to disappear. The question isn’t ‘why did Satoshi disappear?’ but rather ‘why then?’ Was Satoshi’s departure in early 2011 scheduled long in advance, or did unforeseen events...

IRS Releases ‘Tax Cheat’ Info Raising Concerns About Crypto Theft

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released a new report and infographic on Thursday illustrating unpaid or underpaid taxes for the years 2011 – 2013. The numbers reflect estimates based on the last such findings, for the years 2008 – 2010. With commissioner Chuck Rettig citing...

Bitcoin History Part 17: That Time Mt. Gox Destroyed 2,609 BTC

Technically speaking, it’s impossible to destroy bitcoins. But it is possible to send coins to an unspendable address, rendering them redundant to all intents and purposes. In October 2011, that’s exactly what Mark Karpeles did when he consigned 2,609 BTC to eternal oblivion due to...

Bitcoin History Part 16: The First Mt. Gox Hack

No one remembers the first Mt. Gox hack. It was a small sum, even by 2011’s standards, and the exchange reimbursed all users. The incident was to prove significant, however, for it set in motion a string of attacks on other bitcoin platforms that began the very next day. By the time the dust...

Electric Geek Transportation Systems

I've never thought of myself as a "car person". The last new car I bought (and in fact, now that I think about it, the first new car I ever bought) was the quirky 1998 Ford Contour SVT. Since then we bought a VW station wagon in 2011

Bitcoin History Part 15: Silk Road Is Born

Silk Road launched in February 2011 as the darknet’s first bitcoin-based marketplace. Within four months, it would be the darknet’s most notorious site whose reputation extended all the way to the U.S. Senate. The origins of the drugs marketplace can be traced back further, however,...

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