NFT Roundup: Beeple’s Platform, DeLorean DMC-12 NFTs, Jerry Garcia’s Music Art
Over the last seven days, there have been close to 18,000 non-fungible token (NFT) primary sales worth over $12.7 million. This week also saw a great number of non-fungible token (NFT) announcements surrounding big names like DeLorean Motor Company, the renowned NFT artist Beeple, the Grateful...
African NFT Art Exhibition Featuring Portraits of Two African Royals Launched
The Museum of Modern African Art Gallery & Lifestyle (MOOMA), a platform that promotes African artworks, recently kickstarted a 30-day non-fungible token (NFT) Modern African Art Exhibition. The exhibition, which will be MOOMA’s first NFT showcase, is set to feature the works of Goran...
OVR Launches Futuristic Virtual Gallery for NFTs and More
Today, April 26th, 2021, the virtual gallery of was inaugurated to showcase artists working with non-fungible tokens (NFT) and beyond. Considering the hype around the NFT phenomenon this year and also given that the Coronavirus pandemic prevents most artists from exhibiting works in museums...
Superchief opens first-ever gallery dedicated to NFT art in New York City
Located in Union Square, the location will display NFTs on auction on high-res screens
Collective #654
The Component Gallery * Building a Settings component * The End of AMP * Baserow * Sorted CSS Colors
The post Collective #654 appeared first on Codrops
Meet Qonos- A Purpose-Built Digital Frame for NFT Art and Collectibles
The non-fungible token (NFT) artwork and collectible ecosystem has exploded in recent months and just last week, a Beeple-crafted NFT sold for $69 million at the world-famous auction house Christie’s. As the NFT space swells, a new product has been launched called “Qonos,”...
Creating an Infinite Circular Gallery using WebGL with OGL and GLSL Shaders
A tutorial explaining how to build a draggable and scrollable infinite circular gallery using WebGL with OGL and GLSL Shaders.
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New Bitcoin Quest Contest Gives People a Chance to Locate Crypto Seeds Hidden in Pictures
There’s an online-sleuthing contest starting on January 21st called “Bitcoin Quest,” where individuals can leverage their crypto-analytical skills to hunt for mnemonic bitcoin seed phrases hidden in artwork. Winners who drain the artwork’s crypto holdings will be able to...
Creating an Infinite Auto-Scrolling Gallery using WebGL with OGL and GLSL Shaders
A tutorial explaining how to build an infinite auto-scrolling gallery using WebGL with OGL and GLSL Shaders.
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A Strange Game That Lets You Create A Digital Art Gallery About Anything
Art galleries can be cool. But they are hard to create, so we don’t get as many galleries as we deserve. For example? Where are the galleries and museums for things like broken extension cords? Or people like Keanu Reeves? Well, thankfully, with The Anything Gallery, you can create a gallery about...
Inline Menu Layout with Gallery Panel
An inline menu layout with a playful hover animation and a gallery content preview panel.
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CryptoPunk Bounties: Ark.Gallery Rolls Out Blind Bids on 8-Bit NFT Collectibles
Ark.Gallery is adding liquidity to the market for CryptoPunks by letting people place blind bids on the NFTs
[aktualita] V Huawei App Gallery je 113 českých aplikací, v ČR je za kvartál 320 tisíc stažení
Obchod s aplikacemi Huawei App Gallery, který čínská technologická společnost rozšiřuje jako alternativu ke Google Play Store, v České republice v prvním kvartálu letošního roku zaznamenal 320 tisíc nových stažení. Celkově je aktuálně v obchodě 113 aplikací od českých vývojářů. Jak jsme na Lupě...
Collective #603
Gallery * Responsive CSS Motion Path * Spacing in CSS * pattern.css * The Cost of JavaScript Frameworks
Collective #603 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
How to Repeat Text as a Background Image in CSS Using element()
There’s a design trend I’ve seen popping up all over the place. Maybe you’ve seen it too. It’s this sort of thing where text is repeated over and over. A good example is the price comparison website, GoCompare, who used it in a major multi-channel advertising campaign.
Nike has used it as well...
A Few Background Patterns Sites
If I need a quick background pattern to spruce something up, I often think of the CSS3 Patterns Gallery. Some of those are pretty intense but remember they are easily editable because they are just CSS. That means you could take these bold zags and chill them out.
CodePen Embed Fallback
My usual...
Creating a Modal Image Gallery With Bootstrap Components
Have you ever clicked on an image on a webpage that opens up a larger version of the image with navigation to view other photos?
Some folks call it a pop-up. Others call it a lightbox. Bootstrap calls it a modal. I mention Bootstrap because I want to use it to make the same sort of thing. So, let’s...
Building an Images Gallery using PixiJS and WebGL
Sometimes, we have to go a little further than HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create the UI we need, and instead use other resources, like SVG, WebGL, canvas and others.
For example, the most amazing effects can be created with WebGL, because...
Collective #580
React-three-fiber v4 * /uses * Goodbye, Clean Code * Aria Tablist * Theme UI Gallery
Collective #580 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Jetpack Slideshow Block
One of the many (many) useful things that Jetpack does is give you extra-fancy custom blocks in the WordPress block (AKA Gutenberg) editor: a slideshow, business hours, contact info, GIF, Mailchimp, Map, Markdown, Pinterest, Star Rating, Recurring Payments Button, Repeat Visitor, Simple Payments...