Script & Style Show: Episode 6: Debugging with Jason Laster
On this week’s episode: we welcome my colleague Jason Laster from Mozilla to speak about the Firefox DevTools debugger. We talk debugging, console shame, the future of JavaScript debuggers, and more! Have ideas for the next episode? Comment below!
The post Script & Style Show: Episode...
Ladislav Prskavec – Moderdní webová architektura založená na klientském Javascriptu a API – jsDevMeetup
GDG Prague pro Vás chystá 10. dubna přednášku Ladislava Prskavce o JAMStacku. Přednáška se koná od 18:30 na FIT ČVUT v Praze v posluchárně T9:111. Jistě znáte LAMP stack. Víte, že současnou stoupající hvězdou…
Destructuring and Function Arguments
The JavaScript language has benefitted from some really awesome new features over the past few years, including arrow functions, the spread operator, and default function argument values. Even if your browser doesn’t yet support proposed JavaScript API syntax additions, you can use a tool...
15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for April 2018
We share with you a collection of awesome and free resources for this April
Script & Style Show: Episode 5: Q&A
On this week’s episode: Todd’s back from vacation while David’s knee-deep in a Firefox Debugger breakpoint UI update. We eventually move on to viewer questions that range form JavaScript knowledge, the Array.flatten controversy, front-end testing (TDD vs. BDD), and mastering...
5 Crucial Concepts for Learning d3.js and How to Understand Them
You may have already heard about d3.js, the dazzling JavaScript library that lets you create beautiful charts and graphics with just a few lines of code. You might have seen some of the fantastic examples of D3 in action, or you may have heard that the New York Times uses it to create...
Script & Style Show: Episode 4: Tooling
On this week’s episode: David starts the show by revealing he has a headache and an hour of discussing JavaScript tooling will not make it better. The show covers the history of JavaScript tooling (from nothing to JavaScript loaders, minifiers, webpack, and more), the pitfalls of popular...
Best Free Scroll To Top JavaScript Plugins & Snippets
Out of all the free scripts on the web there’s nothing simpler than a scroll-to-top snippet. This adds a small arrow near the bottom of the page which, when...
The post Best Free Scroll To Top JavaScript Plugins & Snippets appeared first on Onextrapixel
React Video Player
Streaming entertainment is a massive interest of mine as both a consumer and web developer. My love for streaming entertainment dates back to the early days of RealPlayer and the misery of a million codecs. Fast forward to today and I’m working a lot with ReactJS, as well as the dozens...
15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for March 2018
In this article we share with you a collection of some of our most favourite libraries for March
Asynchronní JavaScript pod pokličkou aneb Eventloop v praxi
Co znamená asynchronní JavaScript a jak funguje pod pokličkou? K čemu slouží event loop, API a event queue? Jak zařídit, aby váš kód zbytečně neblokoval prohlížeč, tzv. non-blocking kód?
Force a React Component to Re-Render
The beauty of React components is that they automagically render and update based on a change in state or props; simply update the state from any place and suddenly your UI element updates — awesome! There may be a case, however, where you simply want to brute force a fresh render of a React...
Ondřej Žára – async/await v praxi – jsDevMeetup
Přijďte 13. 3. na přednášku vývojáře ze Seznamu Ondřeje Žáry. Na přednášce s názvem Async/await v praxi se dozvíte o výhodách a úskalích používání funkcí async a await v JavaScriptu. Další přednáška z…
15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for February 2018
The list of hot new resources this February includes awesome open source galleries, libraries for handling HTTP with Promises, WYSIWYG editors and more!
Testovací trio Mocha, Chai a Sinon
Představíme vám testovací framework Mocha, knihovny Chai a Sinon. Ukážeme, k čemu slouží, a na co si dát pozor při jejich používání. Dále vysvětlíme, jak se pracuje s knihovnou Sinon, která slouží pro mockování/stubování a vytváření špiónů
Meetup o Redux-observable, aneb jak řešit asynchronní události v reduxu elegantně pomoci rxjs
Zveme vás na #ReactiveMeetup v Hradci Králové s Danielem Kolmanem, software engineerem z Vendava, na téma redux-observable, aneb jak rešit asynchronní události v reduxu elegantně pomocí rxjs. Přednáška bude v češtině, začíná v 18.00 15. února a účast…
Jak na TDD v JavaScriptu
O problematice TDD toho bylo napsáno již hodně, proto si v tomto článku jen osvěžíme nějaké základní pojmy a ukážeme si jak aplikovat tuto metodu na konkétním příkladě napsaném v JavaScriptu za pomocí testovacího frameworku Mocha a knihoven Chai, Sinon
15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for January 2018
A collection of some of the most interesting libraries for January
The Best JavaScript and CSS Libraries for 2017
In this article we share with you a collection of the best libraries and resources of 2017
15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for November 2017
This November's collection is packed with awesome free resources including some powerful CSS frameworks and JS tools