CSS-Tricks Chronicle XXXVI
This is one of these little roundups of things going on with myself, this site, and the other sites that are part of the CSS-Tricks family.
I was recently in Zürich for Front Conference. It was my first time there and I very much enjoyed the city and the lovely staff of the conference. I...
[aktualita] SŽDC rozjíždí zásadní projekt modernizací komunikační sítě a přechod na novou
Správa železničních a dopravních cest (SŽDC) začala připravovat modernizaci své komunikační sítě a přechod na novou MPLS síť. Veřejnou zakázku na konsolidaci a synchronizaci telekomunikačních sítí SŽDC vyhrála společnost TTC Marconi. Té jako subdodavatel sekunduje ČD-Telematika, kterou ze dvou...
‘Avoid Biased Calculations’ Says Crypto Researcher After Cherry-Picked Chart Debate
On Friday, crypto analytics site Messari and data analyst Zack Voell shared a controversial chart called “Bitcoin Cash versus Lightning,” which claims to display a comparison of activity for both networks. Voell contended that the Lightning Network was growing at a faster rate than...
Dapp Data Site DappRadar Raises $2.33 Million From Naspers,
DappRadar tracks over 2,500 dapp projects on multiple blockchains inclduing ethereum, EOS, tron, and the loom network
[aktualita] Suntel Group kupuje českou firmu Arbor, která staví sítě pro CETIN či Huawei
Tuzemská skupina Suntel Group, která spadá pod investiční společnost DRFG Davida Rusňáka, kupuje firmu Arbor. Ta se už 25 let zabývá budováním a servisem mobilních a optických sítí a tyto služby dlouhodobě poskytuje například podnikům CETIN, Vodafone a Huawei. V červenci zároveň Suntel Group koupil...
[článek] Digitalizace státu, rozmach podcastů, sociální sítě a další témata zazní na CIF 2019
[3 minuty čtení] 15. říjen bude patřit trendům a špičkám českého online světa. Buďte u toho také. Trendy, zkušenosti a příběhy českého online světa. V jeden den, na jednom místě – v Praze, v Národním domě na Vinohradech. Již po čtrnácté proběhne další ročník Czech Internet Fora. Seznamte se...
Creating a Maintainable Icon System with Sass
One of my favorite ways of adding icons to a site is by including them as data URL background images to pseudo-elements (e.g. ::after) in my CSS. This technique offers several advantages:
They don't require any additional HTTP requests other than the CSS file.
Using the background-size property...
Multiplayer Tic Tac Toe with GraphQL
GraphQL is a query language for APIs that is very empowering for front-end developers. As the GraphQL site explains it, you describe your data, ask for what you want, and get predictable results.
If you haven’t worked with it before, GraphQL might be a little confusing to grok at first glance....
Iconloop Signs Deal With Art Site to Create Record of Ownership
The works include five by Lee Ufan, founder of the avant-garde School of Things, and three works of Whanki Kim, an early abstract artist in Korea
Other Ways to SPAs
That rhymed lolz.
I mentioned on a podcast the other day that I sorta think WordPress should ship with Turbolinks. It's a rather simple premise:
Build a server-rendered site.
Turbolinks intercepts clicks on same-origin links.
It uses AJAX for the HTML of the new page and replaces the current page...
Getting Netlify Large Media Going
I just did this the other day so I figured I'd blog it up. There is a thing called Git Large File Storage (Git LFS). Here's the entire point of it: it keeps large files out of your repo directly. Say you have 500MB of images on your site and they kinda need to be in the repo so you can work with...
Bitcoin History Part 15: Silk Road Is Born
Silk Road launched in February 2011 as the darknet’s first bitcoin-based marketplace. Within four months, it would be the darknet’s most notorious site whose reputation extended all the way to the U.S. Senate. The origins of the drugs marketplace can be traced back further, however,...
Kraken Users’ Report Difficulties With Connecting to Site and API
Kraken has warned the public that it is receiving reports of clients having issues connecting to the site and API
Site Monetization with Coil (and Removing Ads for Supporters)
I've tried a handful of websites based on "tip with micropayments" in the past. They come and go. That's fine. From a publisher perspective, it's low-commitment. I've never earned a ton, but it was typically enough to be worth it.
Now Bruce has me trying Coil. It's compelling to me for a couple...
Nový typ superrychlé neuronové sítě vychází z principů lidského mozku a možná spustí novou revoluci
Vědci vyvinuli nový typ neuronové sítě • Inspirací byl lidský mozek, který zpracovává data jinak, než je u strojového učení běžné • Díky tomu se podařilo zvýšit rychlost ale i zlepšit samoučení celé sítě
Quick Gulp Cache Busting
You should for sure be setting far-out cache headers on your assets like CSS and JavaScript (and images and fonts and whatever else). That tells the browser "hang on to this file basically forever." That way, when navigating from page to page on a site — or revisiting it, or refreshing...
Using Your Domain with a Netlify-Hosted Site
Netlify has their own docs for Custom Domains, so if you're looking for horse's mouth technical docs on this stuff, that should be treated as the source of truth. But I'd like to take a crack at it from a slightly different angle, where we look at where you are and what you wanna do, and the point...
MacBooky dostanou modemy pro sítě 5G. Už od příštího roku
Před pár měsíci se Apple dohodl s Qualcommem v oblasti 5G modemů, které od něj bude v nespecifikovaném množství odebírat dalších šest let. Na konci minulého měsíce Apple navíc oznámil odkoupení 5G divize vývoje modemů pro mobilní telefony od Intelu. Jak to tedy vypadá, Apple má s 5G velké plány a
[aktualita] O2 poprvé za deset let rostou výnosy z pevné sítě
Operátor O2 zveřejnil finanční výsledky za první pololetí 2019, konsolidované výnosy vzrostly na 19 miliardy, tedy o 2,1 % a rostly v České republice i na Slovensku. Zisk naopak klesl o šest procent (na 2,6 miliardy Kč), podepsaly se na tom hlavně zvýšené odpisy. Asi nejzajímavější zprávou reportu...
Making a Realistic Glass Effect with SVG
I’m in love with SVG. Sure, the code can look dense and difficult at first, but you’ll see the beauty in the results when you get to know it. The bonus is that those results are in code, so it can be hooked up to a CMS. Your designers can rest easy knowing they don't have to reproduce an effect...