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5 Easy Ways to Earn Cryptocurrency

The days of individuals mining popular cryptocurrencies are over. The amount of time and energy required to mine bitcoin is immense and you’d be competing with business with massive mining farms. What you can do, however, is chip away at earning cryptocurrency via a few simple tasks that...

How to Use JPEG 2000 (JP2) for a Faster Images on iPhone (Sponsored)

Images Slow Down Websites Images slow down the page-loading performance of many websites. Audit tools like Google’s Lighthouse can quickly tell you how many seconds you can save by optimizing your images. When you are delivering to desktops or android devices running Chrome browser, a quick...

Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS

Here’s a fabulous CSS trick from Bradley Taunt in which he shows how to make tables work on mobile with just a little bit of extra code. He styles each table row into a card that looks something like this: See the Pen Responsive Tables #2.5: Flexbox by Bradley Taunt (@bradleytaunt) ...

Firefox Kiosk Mode

As someone who loves the HTML and web APIs, I want to see them used in all different types of devices and mediums. Being that I work for the amazing Mozilla Corporation, seeing Firefox and the gecko web engine thrive in those spaces is important to me. Firefox was recently featured in the Firefox...

How to Create a QR Code

QR codes aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but I quite like them. If I see something I want to remember or check out later, especially when on the road, it’s super easy to take a quick picture — it’s much easier than trying to remember a URL and much faster than typing...

Scrape the Web with scrapestack (Sponsored)

I first grew to love Firefox not as a web developer but as user, and what drew me to this amazing new browser was its add-on ecosystem. The add-on I used the most? Web scrapers. Piracy had just hit mainstream and I also need imagery and documentation to create my first websites. Scrapers were...

How to Detect an Ad Blocker

One of the unspoken rules of the internet is that most content is “free”… at the cost of webpage being littered with advertisements and trackers. This was’t a big problem in the early internet days but trackers and advertisements have become so intrusive and unapologetically...

Interview with a Pornhub Web Developer

Regardless of your stance on pornography, it would be impossible to deny the massive impact the adult website industry has had on pushing the web forward. From pushing the browser’s video limits to pushing ads through WebSocket so ad blockers don’t detect them, you have to be clever...

Majitelé Tesel si budou moci nastavit, jak jim auto bude vrčet a troubit

Majitelé vozů Tesla si budou moci vybrat, jak jejich automobil bude „vrčet“ a troubit. Elon Musk připravovanou novinku prozradil na Twitteru. Oproti běžným automobilům se spalovacími motory jsou elektromobily vozidla při pomalé jízdě docela tichá. To představuje nebezpečí zejména pro chodce.

Get Total Address Information with Geocode API (Sponsored)

Getting address information is vitally important. Whether shipping a package, tailoring a user experience to location, or using that data to help localize language on a website, getting location information wrong can lose a sale or brake feature. Let’s take a look at an API I recently found...


Every once in a while I stumble upon an API or browser setting that I can’t believe ever existed. Such examples can be seen in the numerous String.prototype properties such as bold, italics, and even blink, which wrap given string text in their representative HTML tags. Bizarre. It...

Easy Google Search Result API with Zenserp (Sponsored)

No matter how much experience I gain in this industry, one task I continue to fail at is building an accurate, flexible, and maintainable scraper for site search. As soon as sites change their HTML structure, my scrape is borked. When looking to build my own search results page, I looked around...

Confessions of a Web Developer XVII

It’s been quite a while since I’ve gotten a few things off of my chest and since I’m always full of peeves and annoyances I thought it was time to unleash: Firefox’s DevTools are outstanding right now. From the improvements we’ve made to the debugger, to responsive...

Stylish Sites Made Simple with AnyMod (Sponsored)

Amazing-looking websites often have specific patterns, and for a reason — they work. Whether it’s a slideshow, a parallax effect, or more traditional design, there’s a service that makes total designs and widgetry simple: AnyMod allows web experts and beginners alike to create...

weatherstack: an Amazing Weather API (Sponsored)

One of my first tasks each day is checking the weather; it’s a necessity for knowing what my children and I should wear, if I’m going to need to water the lawn or need to shovel snow, and if I can take meetings out on my patio. It’s also been one of my worst web […] The post...

How to Not Minify Source with webpack

The webpack JavaScript utility has taken over the modern JavaScript landscape, so much so that it’s hard to be a JavaScript developer and not use it. JavaScript build utilities are the point where they do best practices implicitly, like minify code, caching, and more. I was recently debugging...

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