
Nalezeno "David Zábrž": 1043

Get File MIME Type from Command Line

I’ve gotten skilled at shell scripting over the years. I love a good GUI but knowing how to automate makes you a much more powerful engineer. Much of my scripting requires recursing over directories and processing a file if it meets a given criteria, which is often file extension or MIME...

List USB Devices from Command Line

I was recently creating a Recalbox with my 5 year old son and it was an awesome experience; I saw the excitement and curiosity in his eyes while helping him put together a video game machine. We added NES, SNES, and Nintendo 64 games to the device but it became apparent that the N64 controller...

JavaScript Proxy

I’ve always loved the flexibility of Objects and prototypes in JavaScript, but for a long time, I felt that a level of dynamism was lacking. JavaScript eventually added get and set methods for object properties, which was an awesome step, but there was still room for improvement....

Chris Coyier’s Favorite CodePen Demos IV

Did you know you can triple-heart things on CodePen? We’ve had that little not-so-hidden feature forever. You can click that little heart button on any Pen (or Project, Collection, or Post) on CodePen to show the creator a little love, but you can click it again and again to heart it just that...

Awesome Analytics with (Sponsored)

As a young developer, I would often make decisions based on what I considered to be common sense or what I would envision appealed to users. What a mistake. As I’ve become more experienced as a developer and a businessman, I’ve realized that analytics are the best way to make...

Welcome to My New Office

My first professional web development was at a small print shop where I sat in a windowless cubical all day. I suffered that boxed in environment for almost five years before I was able to find a remote job where I worked from home. The first thing I told myself when leaving that first...

Using Slack Slash Commands to Send Data from Slack into Google Sheets

Since I work from home, most of my daily work interactions happen through Slack. It’s my equivalent to the water cooler. A place to hang out and discuss ideas with friends. I’m part of a book recommendations channel. People share books all the time, but they disappear quickly, lost in a sea...

Script & Style Show on iTunes!

Last year Todd Gardner of TrackJS and I debuted our YouTube web show (podcast): The Script & Style Show. It was an amazing first year of guests, including Chris Coyier, Kyle Simpson, Jason Laster, Max Lynch, Dylan Schiemann, and more! And the show will only get better! I’m happy...

Donášková služba Wolt vstupuje do Brna, jídlo přiveze do 30 minut

Finská služba na doručování jídla Wolt, která v posledním roce raketově rostla na evropském trhu, přichází 7. února po červencovém spuštění Prahy také do Brna. Nabídne Applem oceňovanou aplikaci, více než 35 restaurací, jídlo doručené do 30 minut od objednávky, stejně tak jako vyhlášenou...

CSS :placeholder-shown

One of the first plugins that would hit a new framework in the early days of JavaScript frameworks was a placeholder plugin, which is why we were so excited when HTML5 brought us the placeholder attribute. Then CSS lovers like me were thrilled when the CSS spec allowed us to style placeholders....

Set Desktop Wallpaper from Command Line on Mac

Whenever I need to accomplish a basic task that typically calls for interacting with a UI, I challenge myself to complete the task from command line. After all, most UIs are simply a mask over basic commands, especially when it comes to the operating system. Suddenly I feel like an automation...

Mac Dark Mode from Command Line

One of the best professional decisions I ever made was switching to a dark text editor theme. I suffered from horrible headaches for years, partially caused by late night coding sessions with blindingly bright computer screens. Recently Apple implemented a dark OS theme which helps my eyes,...

V Praze bude probíhat vývoj suborbitální rakety, do vesmíru chce již letos

Do pražského kosmického inkubátoru ESA BIC Prague vstoupil startup Suborbitality. Plánuje vytvořit první komerční a zároveň cenově dostupnou suborbitální raketu. Určena je zejména pro vědecké experimenty a testy ve vesmírných podmínkách, proto startup počítá se zákazníky mezi výzkumnými...

Designing for the web ought to mean making HTML and CSS

David Heinemeier Hansson has written an interesting post about the current state of web design and how designers ought to be able to still work on the code side of things: We build using server-side rendering, Turbolinks, and Stimulus. All tools that are approachable and realistic for designers...

How to Change Animated GIF Speed

Comedians would tell you that timing is the most important part of any joke. The same could be said about animated GIFs; whether they’re used as a meme or to illustrate a process, the speed of an animated GIF can effect its effectiveness. With that idea in mind, I set about trying to figure...

prefers-color-scheme: CSS Media Query

One device and app feature I’ve come to appreciate is the ability to change between light and dark modes. If you’ve ever done late night coding or reading, you know how amazing a dark theme can be for preventing eye strain and the headaches that result. macOS recently implemented...

React indeterminate

I’ve fallen in love with React.js and JSX over the years; state-based rendering and a logical workflow have made me see the light of this modern framework. That doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes get a bit frustrated that the “simple” things seem harder than they should...

Amazing User Agent API with userstack

We do our best to design and code websites so that they look and perform the way they should regardless of device or browser, but the truth is we sometimes we need to code for specific device, browser, or crawler. Whether it’s a quick hack or a simply wanting to display different content...

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