
Nalezeno "ip camera": 85

Quantum Dot iPhone Camera Contract With Nanoco Cancelled By Apple

For most companies, which are involved in supplying items to other companies, landing a supply contract with one of the world’s largest corporations is a significant deal. The inking of such a contract elevates the stature of a company and in addition to that, it helps in drawing new clients with...

Using Artificial Intelligence to Generate Alt Text on Images

Web developers and content editors alike often forget or ignore one of the most important parts of making a website accessible and SEO performant: image alt​ text. You know, that seemingly small image attribute that describes an image: ​​​<img src="/cute/sloth/image.jpg" alt="A brown baby sloth...

Change System Volume from Command Line on Mac OS

Oftentimes the awesome GUI applications we love are simply gloss over a command line functionality.  While I do love a visual app, it’s always good to know how to do things from command line, if only for the sake of automation.  I’ve covered loads of command line secrets, most notably...

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