
Nalezeno "things": 1124

Stay in Touch With Changing Markets Using the Crypto Trends App

If you are closely following cryptocurrency markets, you know things can change in a split second and at any moment. Having an application like Crypto Trends on your smartphone can help you check how your favorite coins are faring at a glance. Also read: Choose Where to Buy Cryptocurrencies Using...

Implementing Private Variables In JavaScript

JavaScript (or ECMAScript) is the programming language that powers the web. Created in May 1995 by Brendan Eich, it’s found its place as a widely-used and versatile technology. Despite its success, it’s been met with its fair share of criticism, especially for idiosyncrasies. Things like objects...


You're faced with a lot of decisions in everyday work. There are multiple tasks calling for your focus, and you can burn daylight or even burn out trying to decide what comes first. There's a phenomenon called decision fatigue. There have been many studies that you can make poor choices when you're...

Wall Street Believes That the Trade War with China is Set to Continue

The trade war between the United States and China has proven to be the biggest diplomatic and economic issue in the world over the past few months. However, following the escalation of tensions between the two sides over the past few weeks, there is a belief that the trade war is going to persist...

Front-End Documentation, Style Guides and the Rise of MDX

You can have the best open source project in the world but, if it doesn’t have good documentation, chances are it’ll never take off. In the office, good documentation could save you having to repeatedly answer the same questions. Documentation ensures that people can figure out how things work...

PR: CoinDeal – Premier League Sponsor Ready for New Challenges in US Market

Last season in the Premier League brought a huge success for the both teams – Wolves and CoinDeal. The crypto exchange, thanks to this brave marketing step, has guaranteed himself value of £38,091,373 of gross exposure of the brand at the time of broadcasting in the media, gained popularity and...

Using Jetpack to Accelerate WordPress Development

(This is a sponsored post.) [Geoff:] I've built a fair number of WordPress sites in my day. It's been my go-to since the 2.x-ish days because it works for any site, big or small. That's the sort of solution and flexibility you like to have as a freelancer. Boy, I wish I had Jetpack available...

Our Value of Money Is Subjective But That Doesn’t Make It Meaningless

In my last op-ed, I discussed how the value we place on items and goods is subjective based on Carl Menger’s Subjective Theory of Value and how these concepts apply to people’s perception of value with things like fiat, gold, and bitcoin. The post outlined the idea that money cannot...

Bitcoin History Part 12: When No One Wanted Your BTC

Today, bitcoin is so precious that its hodlers are prone to locking their keys away inside nuclear bunkers, bank vaults, and military grade hardware wallets. But things weren’t always that way. Back in the early days, bitcoin was deemed so undesirable that you would have struggled to give...

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