Angular, Autoprefixer, IE11, and CSS Grid Walk into a Bar…
I am attracted to the idea that you shouldn't care how the code you author ends up in the browser. It's already minified. It's already gzipped. It's already transmogrified (real word!) by things that polyfill it, things that convert it into code that older browsers understand, things that make...
How to Use Chrome Dev Tools to Find Performance Bottlenecks
As one advances through a Software Development career, concerns beyond simply writing code that works arise. In the world of web development, it becomes pertinent to not only build functional softw
Build a Blog Using Express.js and React in 30 Minutes
Building a web server sounds complicated, but it doesn't have to be! What if I told you that you can create a web server with just a couple lines of code? Yes! You can do things like this using Exp
Animated Mesh Lines
A set of five demos with animated WebGL lines created with the THREE.MeshLine library. Find out how to animate and build these lines to create your own animations.
Animated Mesh Lines was written by Jérémie Boulay and published on Codrops
My favorite way to think about Jetpack is that it's a WordPress plugin that brings a whole heap of features to your site. I've documented the features that we use here on CSS-Tricks, which isn't even all of them (yet).
Some of Jetpack features are essentially connecting it to the powers...
Gulp for WordPress: Creating the Tasks
This is the second post in a two-part series about creating a Gulp workflow for WordPress theme development. Part one focused on the initial installation, setup, and organization of Gulp in a WordPress theme project. This post goes deep into the tasks Gulp will run by breaking down what each task...
Gulp for WordPress: Initial Setup
This is the first part of a two-part series on creating a Gulp workflow for WordPress theme development. This first part covers a lot of ground for the initial setup, including Gulp installation and an outline of the tasks we want it to run. If you're interested in how the tasks are created, then...
Build a Secure Node.js Application with JavaScript Async Await Using Hapi
At the core of the JavaScript language is its asynchronous programming model. Unfortunately, dealing with callback functions has long been a source of frustration for many developers. JavaScript Pr
How to Setup, Build and Deploy Native Apps with Vue
Vue-Native is a framework written by GeekyAnts, it is a framework built to deliver cross platform mobile native applications. It is inspired by the React-native
Annotated Build Processes
When you're putting together a build process for a site, it's so dang useful to look at other people's processes. I ran across Andrew Welch's "An Annotated webpack 4 Config for Frontend Web Development" the other day and was glad he blogged it. If I was kicking off a new site where I wanted...
Two Ways to Build a Site That Seem Super Different But Weirdly Aren’t That Different
Here are two ways to build a site (abstractly) that feel diametrically opposed to me:
Build a site as an SPA (Single Page App). The page loads a skeleton HTML page that executes JavaScript as quickly as it can. The JavaScript calls an API to get data, and then the page renders content. Navigation...
What makes someone a good front-end developer?
We recently covered this exact same thing, but from the perspective of a bunch of developers.
Chris Ferdinandi weighs in:
The least important skills for a front-end developer to have are technical ones.
The nuances of JavaScript. How to use a particular library, framework, or build tool. How...
Compound Components in React Using the Context API
Compound components in React allow you to create components with some form of connected state that’s managed amongst themselves. A good example is the Form component in Semantic UI React.
To see how we can implement compound components in a real-life React application, we’ll build a compound...
Browser Diversity Commentary, Regarding the Edge News
Still no word from the horse's mouth about the reported EdgeHTML demise, but I hear that's coming later today. The blog posts are starting to roll in about the possible impact of this though.
Andre Garzia: While we Blink, we loose the Web:
Even though Opera, Beaker and Brave are all doing very good...
Build a To-Do application Using Django and React
Web development has grown rapidly over the last decade, and there's a long list of frameworks to choose from when building your projects. A developer’s decision on what framework(s) to use for a p
The All Powerful Front-End Developer
I posted a video of this talk some months back, but it was nearly an hour and a half long. Here's an updated version that I gave at JAMstack_conf that's only 30 minutes:
The gist is that the front-end stack is wildly powerful these days. Our front-end skillset can be expanded to give us power...
How I Migrated From WordPress to a Static Site
I've just recently done a complete redesign and rewrite of my course platform site Learn Build Teach. Originally, I created it using
10 Node Frameworks to Use in 2019
More developers have switched to using JavaScript to build more applications, especially for the web. This has brought about an exponential growth in the usage of frameworks b
Coding Exercise: Build JavaScript Array Methods From Scratch
There's no better way to ensure that you understand how something works than building yo
Build Simple Authentication in Express in 15 Minutes
Building web pages with user authentication can be a huge pain. You typically need to set up some sort of database to manage users even if you're not using the database for anything else. You would