
Nalezeno "safari": 113

Prevent Page Scrolling When a Modal is Open

Please stop me if you've heard this one before. You open a modal, scroll through it, close it, and wind up somewhere else on the page than you were when you opened the modal. That's because modals are elements on a page just like any other. It may stay in place (assuming that's what it's meant...

A Quick Look at the First Public Working Draft for Color Adjust Module 1

We've been talking a lot about Dark Mode around here ever since Apple released it as a system setting in MacOS 10.14 and subsequently as part of Safari. It's interesting because of both what it opens up as as far as design opportunities as well as tailoring user experience based on actual user...

Revisiting prefers-reduced-motion, the reduced motion media query

Two years ago, I wrote about prefers-reduced-motion, a media query introduced into Safari 10.1 to help people with vestibular and seizure disorders use the web. The article provided some background about the media query, why it was needed, and how to work with it to avoid creating...

Using the Web Speech API for Multilingual Translations

Since the early days of science fiction, we have fantasized about machines that talk to us. Today it is commonplace. Even so, the technology for making websites talk is still pretty new. We can make our pages on the web talk using the SpeechSynthesis part of the Web Speech API. This is still...

Apple vypouští z prohlížeče Safari funkci „Do Not Track“. Čím ji nahradí?

Příští verze webového prohlížeče Safari nebude disponovat funkcí „Do Not Track“. Apple se rozhodl ji odstranit, protože počet webů, které ji podporovaly, byl velmi nízký. Hodlá proto přijít s vlastním řešením, které by mělo účinněji bránit sledování uživatelů. Podpora funkce „Do Not Track“ již

Background Sync with Service Workers

Service workers have been having a moment. In March 2018, iOS Safari began including service workers — so all major browsers at this point support offline options. And this is more important than ever — 20% of adults in the United States are without Internet at home, leaving these...

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