
Nalezeno "21/21 Plan": 1576

I Just Wanna Make Sure You Understand the Business Plan is where you go to use WordPress that is completely hosted for you. You don’t have to worry about anything but building your site. There is a free plan to get started with, and paid plans that offer more … The post I Just Wanna Make Sure You Understand the

South Korean Government to Start Taxing Crypto Trading Profits in 2022

The South Korean government has issued an amendment to introduce tax on cryptocurrency trading profits. The plan is now a reality after several attempts to delay it by lawmakers. New Rules Impose 20% Tax on Crypto Profits Per Asia Today, the legislative notice details that the amendment will...

Blockchain Projects Gain Boost in Seoul’s USD 7Bn 2021 Spending Plan

The South Korean government has pledged to spend USD 7bn on public projects this year, a figure that will include blockchain spending. The money will back what ministers have labeled the “Korean New Deal,” and particularly what they have called the “core” of the measures, the “Digital New Deal,”...

Cloudinary Tricks for Video

Creating video is time consuming. A well-made 5-minute video can take hours to plan, record, and edit — and that’s before we start talking about making that video consistent with all the other videos on your site. When we took … The post Cloudinary Tricks for Video appeared...

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