The Many Ways of Getting Data Into Charts
Data is available everywhere nowadays, whether it’s in a plain text file, a REST API, an online Google sheet… you name it! It’s that variety of context that makes building graphs more than simply having a database in your local project — where there is data, there is a way.
That’s pretty much what...
PragueJS #4 – Build a fullstack GraphQL app with Prisma, Apollo and React
Další z řady setkání PragueJS se blíží. 30. dubna si můžete přijít poslechnout tři zajímavé přednášky. První z nich bude od Pavla Kepky z Blueberry. Pavel nám vysvětlí proč by nás REST API…
Build Light-Weight REST and Realtime Apps with FeathersJS
In the barest of definitions, Feathers is a simple minimalistic realtime framework for web applications built over Express. What this means is that with Feathers, you can keep using middlewares but
Spoják #7 – Začínají fungovat nové domény .dev. Staré neaktualizované GPS fungovat přestávají.
Heslovitě: Google Docst REST API. Bootstrap 4.3.0. ImmortalDB. Linaria 1.0. WebBluetooth. Články 11 a 13. Přetečení v GPS. Logstalgia. Ngrok. Domény .dev
Getting Started with Nest.js
If you have ever worked on a Node.js application before, either built a REST API or an enterprise application, you must have realised how tedious and daunting it was to maintain, especially wheneve
New ES2018 Features Every JavaScript Developer Should Know
The ninth edition of the ECMAScript standard, officially known as ECMAScript 2018 (or ES2018 for short), was released in June 2018. Starting with ES2016, new versions of ECMAScript specifications are released yearly rather than every several years and add fewer features than major editions used...
Styling a Web Component
This confused me for a bit here so I'm writing it out while it's fresh in mind. Just because you're using a web component doesn't mean the styles of it are entirely isolated. You might have content within a web component that is styled normally along with the rest of your website. Like this:
Real-time Geolocation & Reverse IP Lookup with ipapi (Sponsored)
There’s an incredible amount you can do when you know where your web visitor is located. You can target advertising to the user, you can load maps of nearby search queries, you can localize website verbiage, you can customize content for their region, etc. I guess what I’m trying...
There is this sentiment that you don't design the homepage of a site first. For most sites, it's an anomaly. It's unlike any other page and not something to base the patterns you use for the rest of the site or help inform other pages.
You might call it a one-off.1
One-offs are OK! A world without...
Getting Started with Yoga and Prisma for Building GraphQL Servers
By now, you have probably heard a lot of buzz about GraphQL going around and how it’s going to replace REST but you don’t even know where to begin. You hear a lot of buzzwords about mutations and
Headless CMS: Fresh Air for Developers
(This is a sponsored post.)
Your current CMS sucks! You know that for some time already but have not decided yet what your next solution should be.
You've noticed all the buzz around headless CMS but you're still not sure what is in it for you and how it can solve all your woes.
What is...
Build Nodejs APIs Using Serverless
Simona Cotin did a great talk at Microsoft Build about Serverless technologies, called "Build Node APIs Using Serverless." In this talk, she addresses pretty much every major gotcha that you might run into while creating Serverless infrastructure for JavaScript applications. Some of the topics...