Moving a Self-Hosted WordPress Site to
I have a habit of getting some hosting when I need a new WordPress site. That is, a self-installed, self-hosted site. That's served me well over the years. I like my control. But along with that control comes a certain level of extra responsibility that sometimes just isn't worth...
JavaScript Proxy
I’ve always loved the flexibility of Objects and prototypes in JavaScript, but for a long time, I felt that a level of dynamism was lacking. JavaScript eventually added get and set methods for object properties, which was an awesome step, but there was still room for improvement....
Using CSS Grid the right way
Violet Peña has shared her recommendations for using CSS Grid. They basically boil down to these high-level points:
Use names instead of numbers for setting up our grid columns.
fr should be our flexible unit of choice.
We don’t really need a grid system anymore.
Although this is all great advice...
The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms: Tools
To a significant level, the success of a software engineer is highly dependent on the quality of the tools he uses for his craft. In this section, we will highlight the tools that feature prominent
Re: Pleasing Color Palettes
There are so many tools out there to help you pick colors. I totally get it! It's hard! When colors are done well, it's like magic. It adds a level of polish to a design that can really set it apart.
Let's look at some, then talk about this idea some more.
Here's one I just saw called Color...
Why we need CSS subgrid
I’m a huge fan of CSS Grid and I use it on pretty much every project these days. However, there’s one part of it that makes things much more complicated than they really ought to be: the lack of subgrids. And in this post on the matter, Ken Bellows explains why they’d be so gosh darn useful:
Střílečka ve vašem bytě: Doomba udělá z mapy z robotického vysavače level do hry Doom
Zatímco nejlevnější robotické vysavače se pohybují po bytech a domácnostech neuspořádaně, ty chytřejší a dražší si vytvářejí mapy, na jejichž základě pak plánují efektivní trasu úklidu. Tato data však lze využít i jinak! Software Doomba dokáže z mapy z vysavače Roomba vygenerovat level do
Level up your JavaScript error monitoring
(This is a sponsored post.)
Automatically detect and diagnose JavaScript errors impacting your users with Bugsnag. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in a fraction of the time.
Bugsnag detects every single error and prioritizes errors...
Too Much Accessibility
I like to blog little veins of thought as I see them. We recently linked to an article by Facundo Corradini calling out a tweet of ours where we used an <em> where we probably should have used an <i>.
Bruce Lawson checks if screen readers are the victims of these semantic...
Jaká je budoucnost umělé inteligence? Praha bude hostit světovou konferenci
Zjistěte, proč Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Uber a mnoho dalších investují do umělé inteligence (AI) a jak může AI ovlivnit váš život a zlepšit váš byznys. Mezinárodní konference Human-Level Artificial Intelligence (HLAI 2018), věnovaná výzkumu umělé inteligence (AI) na úrovni člověka, se poprvé...
8 Digit Hex Colors
One of the most requested capabilities in my early days of web development was the ability to set opacity on elements and even PNG images without the need for browser-specific CSS or hacks. Eventually we got native opacity support and even enjoyed rgba(), the ability to cite an opacity level with...
Building a Complex UI Animation in React, Simply
Let’s use React, styled-components, and react-flip-toolkit to make our own version of the animated navigation menu on the Stripe homepage. It's an impressive menu with some slick animation effects and the combination of these three tools can make it relatively easy to recreate.
This is...
Collective #430
Publii * CSS Grid Level 2 * CSS Grid in IE * termtosvg * Textalytic * The Mutable Gallery * Clock Shop * Brad's Homelab
Collective #430 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Grid Level 2 and Subgrid
I find the concept of subgrid a little hard to wrap my mind around.
I do understand the idea that we want to use nested semantic markup as we like and have elements participate in one grid so we don't have to flatten our markup just for layout reasons. But that is largely handled by display:...
Level Up Your JavaScript Error Monitoring
(This is a sponsored post.)
Automatically detect and diagnose JavaScript errors impacting your users with Bugsnag without changing your code or adding try/catch blocks. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in a fraction of the time compared...
How to Optimize Node Requests with Simple Caching Strategies
One of the things that affect how users interact with our applications is its speed. Even though some users generally have a poor connection, they are expecting some minimum level of speed when usi
[aktualita] Konference Human Level AI: Do Prahy dorazí výzkumnící AI z Uberu, DeepMind či Facebooku
Karlínská společnost GoodAI letos v Praze uspořádá mezinárodní konferenci zaměřenou na umělou inteligenci. Akce nazvaná Human Level AI proběhne od 22. do 25. srpna 2018 a mezi sponzory má například Facebook nebo Microsoft. Na konferenci dorazí několik zajímavých jmen, které se AI věnují. Jsou mezi...
Computer says NO to HTML5 document outline
What a brilliant idea! For the longest time HTML5 specified, and advised developers, that it no longer mattered what the number (1 to 6) was in a heading element (when used in conjunction with sectioning elements). What mattered was the nesting level of the H1-h6 in sectioning elements, just like...
Computer says NO to HTML5 document outline
What a brilliant idea! For the longest time HTML5 specified, and advised developers, that it no longer mattered what the number (1 to 6) was in a heading element (when used in conjunction with sectioning elements). What mattered was the nesting level of the H1-h6 in sectioning elements, just like...
Here's The Programming Game You Never Asked For
You know what's universally regarded as un-fun by most programmers? Writing assembly language code.
As Steve McConnell said back in 1994:
Programmers working with high-level languages achieve better productivity and quality than those working with lower-level languages. Languages such as...