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Google Fonts and font-display

The font-display descriptor in @font-face blocks is really great. It goes a long way, all by itself, for improving the perceived performance of web font loading. Loading web fonts is tricky stuff and having a tool like this that works as well as it does is a big deal for the web. It's such a...

A CSS Venn Diagram

This is pretty wild: Adrian Roselli has made a series of rather complex Venn diagrams using nothing but CSS. With a combination of the Firefox dev inspector, plus a mixture of CSS Grid and the shape-outside property, it’s possible to do this and without a ton of hacks, too. I also think it’s super...

Reversing an Easing Curve

Let’s take a look at a carousel I worked on where items slide in and out of view with CSS animations. To get each item to slide in and out of view nicely I used a cubic-bezier for the animation-timing-function property, instead of using a standard easing keyword. See the Pen Carousel with reversed...

Keep Math in the CSS

There is a sentiment that leaving math calculations in your CSS is a good idea that I agree with. This is for math that you could calculate at authoring time, but specifically chose not to. For instance, if you needed a 7-column float-based grid (don't ask), it's cleaner and more intuitive: .col...

Prototypes and production

There’s an interesting distinction that Jeremy Keith defines between prototype code and production code in this post and I’ve been thinking about it all week: ...every so often, we use the materials of front-end development—HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—to produce something that isn’t intended...

Creating an Animated Login Form for TouchID

I came across this amazing Dribbble shot by Jakub Reis a while back. It caught my eye and I knew that I just had to try recreating it in code. At that moment, I didn’t know how. I tried out a bunch of different things, and about a year later, I finally managed to make this demo. I learned a couple...

Why isn’t it <style src=””>?

The way JavaScript works is we can do scripts as an inline block: &#60;script&#62; let foo = "bar"; &#60;/script&#62; Or, if the script should be fetched from the network... &#60;script src="/js/global.js"&#62;&#60;/script&#62; With CSS, we can do an inline block of styles: &#60;style&#62; .foo...

Google Labs Web Components

I think it's kinda cool to see Google dropping repos of interesting web components. It demonstrates the possibilities of cool new web features and allows them to ship them in a way that's compatible with entirely web standards. Here's one: &#60;two-up&#62; I wanted to give it a try, so I linked...

HTML/CSS Code Snippets of Illustrated 404 Pages

How many times have you stumbled upon 404 Page? Hundred, thousand, a million times? All in all, we are humans who might be smarter than a decade ago and... The post HTML/CSS Code Snippets of Illustrated 404 Pages appeared first on Onextrapixel

Accessible SVG Icons With Inline Sprites

This is a great look at accessible SVG markup patterns by Marco Hengstenberg. Here's the ideal example: &#60;button type="button"&#62; Menu &#60;svg class="svg-icon" role="img" height="10" width="10" viewBox="0 0 10 10" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"&#62; ...

DRY State Switching With CSS Variables: Fallbacks and Invalid Values

This is the second post in a two-part series that looks into the way CSS variables can be used to make the code for complex layouts and interactions less difficult to write and a lot easier to maintain. The first installment walks through various use cases where this technique applies. This post...

CSS Selectors are Conditional Statements

foo { } Programmatically, is: if (element has a class name of "foo") { } Descendent selectors are &#38;&#38; logic and commas are &#124;&#124;. It just gets more complicated from there, with things like combinators and pseudo selectors. Just look at all the ways styles can cascade. Jeremy Keith: If...

DRY Switching with CSS Variables: The Difference of One Declaration

This is the first post of a two-part series that looks into the way CSS variables can be used to make the code for complex layouts and interactions less difficult to write and a lot easier to maintain. This first installment walks through various use cases where this technique applies. The second...

Too Much Accessibility

I like to blog little veins of thought as I see them. We recently linked to an article by Facundo Corradini calling out a tweet of ours where we used an &#60;em&#62; where we probably should have used an &#60;i&#62;. Bruce Lawson checks if screen readers are the victims of these semantic...

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