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12 Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Web Developers

Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular source code editors for web developers. It was released in 2015 by Microsoft and offers many awesome features you can... The post 12 Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Web Developers appeared first on Onextrapixel

CSS Grid in IE: Faking an Auto-Placement Grid with Gaps

This is the third and final part in a three-part series about using CSS grid safely in Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) without going insane. In Part 1, I covered some of the common misconceptions that people have about IE11’s native CSS grid implementation. In Part 2, I showed the world how easy...

CSS Grid in IE: Debunking Common IE Grid Misconceptions

This is the first in a three-part series all about how to use CSS grid in a way that will work not only in modern browsers but also in Internet Explorer (IE). Imagine writing CSS grid code without having to write a fallback layout! Many of us think that this is some far off future that is many...

8 Best Atom Packages for Web Developers

Atom is one of the most popular and feature-rich source code editors for web developers. Originally, Atom was GitHub’s internal tool. Later, they decided to open-source it for the... The post 8 Best Atom Packages for Web Developers appeared first on Onextrapixel

Fitting Text to a Container

There are a number of ways to go about putting some text in a container and having it size itself to fill that container. There are different technologies we can use and different considerations to think about. Let us count the ways. Magic Number it with viewport units If you set type with...

How to create a logo that responds to its own aspect ratio

One of the cool things about <svg> is that it's literally its own document, so @media queries in CSS inside the SVG are based on its viewport rather than the HTML document that likely contains it. This unique feature has let people play around for years. Tim Kadlec experimented with...

Vue + TypeScript: A Match Made in Your Code Editor

Vue is so hot right now and I’ve been thinking of doing a serious project with it since quite a while, so when the opportunity popped up, I hopped in. But there was a little problem — one of the requirements of the project was to write it in TypeScript. At first, I was super stressed about...

React Node Flow

Flow, the static type checker used in many React projects, feels like a gift and a curse at times; a gift in that it identifies weaknesses in your code, and a curse that sometimes you feel like you’re needlessly adjusting your code to satisfy Flow.  I’ve grown to appreciate Flow...

Better rendering for variable fonts

I was messing around with a variable font the other day and noticed this weird rendering issue in the latest version of Chrome where certain parts of letterforms were clipping into each other in a really weird way. Thankfully, though, Stephen Nixon has come to the rescue with a temporary hack...

Debugging Node Code in VS Code

Visual Studio Code has an amazing amount of functionality built in, including support for debugging applications. Although the functionality is there, it took me several tries to figure out how to

Debugging Node Code in VS Code

Visual Studio Code has an amazing amount of functionality built in, including support for debugging applications. Although the functionality is there, it took me several tries to figure out how to

Drawing Images with CSS Gradients

What I mean by "CSS images" is images that are created using only HTML elements and CSS. They look as if they were SVGs drawn in Adobe Illustrator but they were made right in the browser. Some techniques I’ve seen used are tinkering with border radii, box shadows, and sometimes clip-path. You...

Animate Calligraphy with SVG

From time to time at Stackoverflow, the question pops up whether there is an equivalent to the stroke-dashoffset technique for animating the SVG stroke that works for the fill attribute. But upon closer inspection, what the questions are really trying to ask is something like this: I have something...

Don’t Use The Placeholder Attribute

Eric Bailey takes a hardline position on <input placeholder>. You might be thinking, as I did: yeah, yeah I know the pitfalls. I'm capable of using placeholder responsibly. But when you look at all the negatives together: Can’t be automatically translated; Is oftentimes used in place of...

What the heck is "Script error?"

If you’ve done any work with the JavaScript onerror event before, you’ve probably come across the following: "Script error." “Script error” is what brows

An Almost Ideal React Image Component

Yes, this is a React component, but regardless if you care about that part or not, the "ideal image component" part could be of interest. There is a lot to consider with how we put images on web pages these days. This deals with: Placeholder space (and then flexible responsive styles after...

Using Custom Fonts With SVG in an Image Tag

When we produce a PNG image, we use an <img> tag or a CSS background, and that's about it. It is dead simple and guaranteed to work. PNG is way simpler to use in HTML than SVG Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for SVG, despite its many advantages. Although you're spoiled for choices...

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