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2020 Monsoon Season and Dam Stress Threatens Chinese Bitcoin Miners

Digital currency proponents have been discussing the 2020 monsoon season in East Asia and how there’s a possibility it could wreak havoc on large bitcoin mining operations located in China. Recent estimates note that China has 50% of the world’s bitcoin mining capacity but if mining...

Vue 3.0 has entered Release Candidate stage!

Vue is in the process of a complete overhaul that rebuilds the popular JavaScript framework from the ground up. This has been going on the last couple of years and, at long last, the API and implementation of Vue 3 core are now stabilize. This is exciting for a number of reasons: Vue 3 promises...

Here’s How to Check If a Bitcoin Address Is a Scam

With the rapid rise in the number of bitcoin scams, there are easy ways to check if a bitcoin address has been reported as being used by scammers, such as in fake bitcoin giveaways. You can also easily report any bitcoin address associated with a scam. Check the ‘Bitcoin Abuse’ Database...

What ya need there is a bit of templating

I had a fella write in to me the other day. He had some HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it just wasn’t behaving like he thought it ought to. The HTML had some placeholders in it and the JavaScript had some data in it, and the assumption was that the data would fill the placeholders. To those...

Bitcoin Security 101: How to Create a 2 of 2 Multi-Signature BCH Wallet

In the world of cryptocurrencies, there’s a lot of discussions and lessons when it comes to digital asset security and one of them is multisig wallets. The term multisig stands for multi-signature and the following post will teach anyone how to create a 2 of 2 multisig wallet. Years...

Is There A World Beyond YouTube for Crypto?

The relationship between the communications giant Google and the cryptoasset industry can be characterized as somewhat antagonistic. Now, its video-sharing platform, YouTube seems to be on the offensive, de-platforming some crypto-related content creators, leaving them looking for viable...

Lazy Loading Images in Svelte

One easy way to improve the speed of a website is to only download images only when they’re needed, which would be when they enter the viewport. This “lazy loading” technique has been around a while and there are lots of great tutorials on how to implement it. But even with all the resources...

Three CSS Alternatives to JavaScript Navigation

Hey quick! You’ve gotta create the navigation for the site and you start working on the mobile behavior. What pattern do you choose? If you’re like most folks, it’s probably the “hamburger” menu that, when clicked, uses a little JavaScript to expand a vertical list of navigation links. But that’s...

Easy Stock Market Quotes with marketstack (Sponsored)

The stock market is wild right now, at least in the United States. Between pandemic, political events, and everything else going on, the stock market is one swing after another. There are a host of services that give you stock quotes but I don’t trust them; I feel like they delay information...

Building a Blog with Next.js

In this article, we will use Next.js to build a static blog framework with the design and structure inspired by Jekyll. I’ve always been a big fan of how Jekyll makes it easier for beginners to setup a blog and at the same time also provides a great degree of control over every aspect of...

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