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Bitcoin Superstar and Bitcoin Era – The Latest Two Faces of the Same Scam

With the rising price and popularity of bitcoin come numerous scams. Bitcoin Superstar and Bitcoin Era are two investment schemes that have recently gained much attention. took a look at them, and it did not take much to spot how similar they are to each other and several other...

The Many Facts Pointing to Dorian Nakamoto Being Satoshi

In March 2014, a Newsweek columnist named Leah McGrath Goodman published a story called “The Face Behind Bitcoin.” She claimed Bitcoin’s inventor was a retired physicist named Dorian Nakamoto. When Goodman arrived at Dorian’s home in California, he said he was “no...

I was sort of making fun of neumorphism the other day. I don't actually care that much. I mostly just think it only works on some flat colored backgrounds, mostly really light colors, and somehow that feels weirdly limiting. (nope, sure, sure, nope 🤷‍♂️). Anyway,...

How to Buy Bitcoin in the Philippines

The Philippines has many places you can buy bitcoin from. Not only has the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas licensed some cryptocurrency exchanges, but there are also peer-to-peer marketplaces, bitcoin ATMs, and other services to help you. This guide will show you where and how to buy bitcoin in...

How To Buy Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Using Paypal

These days there are myriad ways people can purchase cryptocurrencies, and the payment platform Paypal is a popular choice. Multiple crypto brokerage services and exchanges allow people to buy digital currencies with the payment option. The following post is a simple guide and list of exchanges...

Lightning-Fast Web Performance

If you're interested in leveling up your knowledge and skill of web performance, you can't do better than learning directly from Scott Jehl. Direct Link to Article — Permalink… Read article The post Lightning-Fast Web Performance appeared first on CSS-Tricks

Simple Image Placeholders with SVG

A little open-source utility from Tyler Sticka that returns a data URL of an SVG to use as an image placeholder as needed. I like the idea of self-running utilities like that, rather than depending on some third-party service, like placekitten or whatever. Not that I'd advocate for feature...

A Scandal in Bohemia

I love that Paravel is so busy doing so much cool stuff they literally just forgot that they built this and are just now releasing it. It's a Sherlock Holmes story, but designed to be more interesting and immersive (even audio!) than just words-on-a-screen. Direct Link to Article —...

China Saw $11.4 Billion in Crypto-Based Capital Flight Last Year

On January 8, China-based blockchain security firm Peckshield published its “2019 Global Digital Asset AML Research Report” noting a variety of crypto trends throughout the year. According to the study, cryptocurrency-based capital flight stemming from China was around $11.4 billion...

White House Market Wants to Become the Darknet’s Toughest DNM

White House Market (WHM) is an ultra-secure darknet market (DNM). It disallows Javascript, enforces PGP throughout, admins key sign every 72 hours, and only accepts monero (XMR). It might be the darknet’s most private market. But do its vendors deliver? dusted down some...

Independent Report Declares the Top Crypto News Site

A new research report from BTC Peers has ranked 145 crypto news websites for quality. It analyzes scores of benchmarks including average visit duration, bounce rate, and number of backlinks. The report features the usual suspects in its top 10, including Coindesk at number three and Cointelegraph...


It's notable that Water.css was the #1 clicked thing from Louis Lazaris' Web Tools Weekly in 2019. It's from a 13-year old developer named Felix! It's just a little bit of CSS you apply to class-free semantic HTML to give it nice basic responsive styles — the perfect kind of thing for a...

6 High Interest-Paying Options for Crypto Lenders

As anyone who has ever sought to lend crypto will attest, significant variance exists in the APR offered to lenders. Indeed, the spectrum can swing from 1% to 8% – even when it’s the same asset being loaned across platforms such as Coinbase, Poloniex, Compound and Dharma. As...

How Dropgangs and Dead Drops Are Transforming Darknet Practices

Since the creation of the Silk Road, authorities have waged a war against the online drug trade with a wave of surveillance and enforcement. However, crypto-anarchists are developing new ways to evade the state’s tentacles as the next technological phase started to emerge in late 2017....

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