
Nalezeno "web": 2193

Music and Web Design

Brad has a long history in music outside of being a web designer, and draws some interesting parallels. One is that he had reached for more complex music in an effort to become a better musician — and developers can do the same thing. The other is that the composition of music can be seen...

Bitcoin Cash Represents 93% of November’s Crypto Spending in Australia recently reported on web portal’s in-depth report, which detailed BCH outshining BTC retail spending in Australia by a wide margin during the month of September. The next month, BCH captured 90% of October’s crypto spending in the country. Now the website...

CSS Architecture for Modern JavaScript Applications

There is a lot to like from Mike Riethmuller here: The title. When you're building a website from JavaScript-powered components anyway, that is a moment to talk about how to do styling, because it opens some doors to JavaScript-powered styles that you probably wouldn't otherwise choose. The...

Collective #571

CSS Layout * Advent of Code 2019 * DrumBot * Better Web List * The State of UX in 2020 * Binary Music Player Collective #571 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Awesome Demos Roundup #11

A hand-picked collection of fantastic web experiments from the past weeks. Awesome Demos Roundup #11 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Save Big on An Event Apart for a Limited Time!

(This is a sponsored post.) If you could get one gift from your boss this holiday season, what would you want it to be? You know, other than the usual mouse pad, picture frame or, my favorite, the ol' coffee mug and Starbucks card combo. What if you were to receive something, hmm, more substantial?...

Save Big on An Event Apart for a Limited Time!

(This is a sponsored post.) If you could get one gift from your boss this holiday season, what would you want it to be? You know, other than the usual mouse pad, picture frame or, my favorite, the ol' coffee mug and Starbucks card combo. What if you were to receive something, hmm, more substantial?...

Bitcoin Cash Double Spend Statistics Invoke 0-Confirmation Debate

On November 28, the creator of, a web portal that tracks and collects double spend attempts on the Bitcoin Cash network, explained that only 1 out of 1,105 double spends succeeds when they broadcast one second after the first transaction. The website’s creator highlighted...

Web Scraping Made Simple With Zenscrape

Web scraping has always been taken care of by actual developers, since a lot of coding, proxy management and CAPTCHA-solving is involved. However, the scraped data is very often needed by people that are non-coders: Marketers, Analysts, Business Developers etc. Zenscrape is an easy-to-use...

[aktualita] Prima předělala web, na kterém propaguje technologii HbbTV

Televize Prima nasadila novou podobu webu Červené tlačítko, který se zaměřuje nejen na nejdůležitější informace o technologii HbbTV a podrobnosti ohledně jejího fungování, ale i na informace pro inzerenty.  „Počet diváků v České republice, jejichž televizní přístroj podporuje možnost HbbTV,...

iOS 13 Broke the Classic Pure CSS Parallax Technique

I know. You hate parallax. You know what we should hate more? When things that used to work on the web stop working without any clear warning or idea why. Way back in 2014, Keith Clark blogged an exceptionally clever CSS trick where you essentially use a CSS transform to scale an element down...

An Introduction to the Picture-in-Picture Web API

Picture-in-Picture made its first appearance on the web in the Safari browser with the release of macOS Sierra in 2016. It made it possible for a user to pop a video out into a small floating window that stays above all others, so that they can keep watching while doing other things. It’s an idea...

The Popeye Moment

Frank Chimero is redesigning "in the open" and we should pay attention to it because (1) we should listen to anything Frank has to say because he's a great designer and writer and (2) working in public is awesome. But the gut punch for me in this opening article is the way Frank pulls zero punches...

Playing Sounds with CSS

CSS is the domain of styling, layout, and presentation. It is full of colors, sizes, and animations. But did you know that it could also control when a sound plays on a web page? This article is about a little trick to pull that off. It’s actually a strict implementation of the HTML and CSS,...

The New Good Ol’ Days

Eighteen years into this game, I love to reminisce back to the good ol’ days of the early to mid-2000s when there was an explosion of creativity on the web. It felt fresh and unbridled, with boundaries expected to be pushed at every turn, and they were. This was mainly down to one thing, the thing...

What the web still is

Being a pessimist is an easy thing to fall back on, and I’m trying to be better about it. As we close the year out, I thought it would be a good exercise to take stock of the state of the web and count our blessings. Versatile We don't use the internet to do just one thing. With more than...

Tento web používá k poskytování služeb a analýze návštěvnosti soubory cookie. Používáním tohoto webu s tímto souhlasíte. Další informace