Firefox schová otravné výzvy k povolení oznámení – uživatelé je skoro vždy odmítali
V dubnu tohoto roku Mozilla oznámila, že se hodlá zabývat otázkou obtěžujících výzev, nabízejících uživatelům možnost zobrazovat oznámení právě prohlíženého webu. Ty se zpravidla objevují v okamžiku načtení webové stránky a uživatel má na výběr mezi souhlasem a trvalým, či dočasným nesouhlasem. Z
Comparing the Different Types of Native JavaScript Popups
JavaScript has a variety of built-in popup APIs that display special UI for user interaction. Famously:
alert("Hello, World!");
The UI for this varies from browser to browser, but generally you’ll see a little window pop up front and center in a very show-stopping way that contains the message...
Weekly Platform News: WebAPK Limited to Chrome, Discernible Focus Rectangles, Modal Window API
In this week's roundup: "Add to home screen" has different meanings in Android, Chrome and Edge add some pop to focus rectangles on form inputs, and how third-party sites may be coming to a modal near you.
Let's get into the news.
WebAPKs are not available to Firefox on Android
On Android, both...
Collective #560
The IndieWeb Movement * Plexis.js * Firefox 70 * Awesome Design Plugins * RegexGuide
Collective #560 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Weekly Platform News: CSS column-span Property, ADA applies to Websites, Auto-generated Image Descriptions
In this week's roundup: multi-column layouts gain wide support, the ADA means more A11y for retailers, and Google is doing something about all the empty image alt attributes in the wild.
The CSS column-span property will soon be widely supported
The CSS column-span property, which has been...
Firefox Kiosk Mode
As someone who loves the HTML and web APIs, I want to see them used in all different types of devices and mediums. Being that I work for the amazing Mozilla Corporation, seeing Firefox and the gecko web engine thrive in those spaces is important to me. Firefox was recently featured in the Firefox...
Scrape the Web with scrapestack (Sponsored)
I first grew to love Firefox not as a web developer but as user, and what drew me to this amazing new browser was its add-on ecosystem. The add-on I used the most? Web scrapers. Piracy had just hit mainstream and I also need imagery and documentation to create my first websites. Scrapers were...
Zero hands up.
Asked an entire room full of webdevs yesterday if any of them knew that FF/Chrome/Opera/Brave/etc. for iOS weren't allowed to compete on engine quality.
Zero hands up.
— Alex Russell (@slightlylate) September 25, 2019
It's worth making this clear then. On iOS, the only browser engine...
What happens when you open a new install of browsers for the 1st time?
Interesting research from Jonathan Sampson, where he watches the network requests a browser makes the very first time you launch it on a fresh install, and otherwise do nothing. This gives you a little insight into what kind of information that browser wants to collect and disseminate.
Weekly Platform News: Layout Shifts, Stalled High-Bitrate Videos, Screenshots in Firefox
In this week's roundup: fighting shifty layouts, some videos might be a bit stalled, and a new way to take screenshots in Firefox.
Let's get into the news!
Identifying the causes of layout shifts during page load
You can now use WebPageTest to capture any layout shifts that occur on your website...
Browser Engine Diversity
We lost Opera when they went Chrome in 2013. Same deal with Edge when it also went Chrome earlier this year. Mike Taylor called these changes a "Decreasingly Diverse Browser Engine World" in a talk I'd like to see.
So all we've got left is Chrome-stuff, Firefox-stuff, and Safari-stuff. Chrome...
Confessions of a Web Developer XVII
It’s been quite a while since I’ve gotten a few things off of my chest and since I’m always full of peeves and annoyances I thought it was time to unleash: Firefox’s DevTools are outstanding right now. From the improvements we’ve made to the debugger, to responsive...
UX Considerations for Web Sharing
From trashy clickbait sites to the most august of publications, share buttons have long been ubiquitous across the web. And yet it is arguable that these buttons aren’t needed. All mobile browsers — Firefox, Edge, Safari, Chrome, Opera Mini, UC Browser, Samsung Internet — make it easy to share...
Caniuse and MDN compatibility data collaboration
Second only to "silly GIFs," I'd guess screenshots of caniuse are the most common slide graphic at web conferences. It's become the ultimate source for looking at web compatibility data in the hearts and minds of web developers.
Can I use CSS filter in Firefox? Yes. Can I use the filter() function?...
[aktualita] Firefox bude před ISP skrývat DNS dotazy
Společnost Mozilla na svém blogu oznámila, že plánuje ve Firefoxu defaultně zapnout využívaní standardu DNS-over-HTTPS. To v praxi znamená, že poskytovatelé připojení neuvidí dotazy uživatelů na překlad domén, protože se budou přenášet skrz HTTPS protokol. Prohlížeč od Mozilly využívá pro službu...
10 Useful Browser Plugins to Help Crypto Users
There are many different browser extensions or plugins that benefit cryptocurrency users, ranging from price trackers and wallets to those that help crypto users with security and privacy. has produced a video, listing 10 of the most useful browser extensions with explanations of...
Vyšel nový Firefox 69: vylepšuje ochranu soukromí, blokuje sledovací kódy a těžbu kryptoměn
Vyšla nová verze webového prohlížeče Firefox s číslem 69.0. Přináší celou řadu novinek, z nichž hned několik se zaměřuje na lepší ochranu soukromí. Ta nejdůležitější, označovaná jako „Rozšířená ochrana proti sledování“ („Enhanced Tracking Protection“ či ETP) ve výchozím nastavení blokuje sledovací
Firefox blocks third-party tracking cookies and cryptominers
This is super interesting stuff from Mozilla: the most recent update of Firefox will now block cryptominers and third-party tracking scripts by default. In the press release they write:
For today’s release, Enhanced Tracking Protection will automatically be turned on by default for all users...
Maskable Icons: Android Adaptive Icons for Your PWA
There is a new web feature called maskable icons that is coming soon to Firefox Preview and other web browsers. This new icon format will let your PWAs have their own adaptive icons on Android.
The post Maskable Icons: Android Adaptive Icons for Your PWA appeared first on CSS-Tricks
How to Build Firefox
Open source is a dream and a gateway to an amazing career — I’m a testament to that. One of the most amazing open source projects to ever exist, Mozilla Firefox, is a project I’m proud to work on as an employee of Mozilla. It’s rewarding, challenging, and a unique...