
Nalezeno "trick": 169

iOS 13 Broke the Classic Pure CSS Parallax Technique

I know. You hate parallax. You know what we should hate more? When things that used to work on the web stop working without any clear warning or idea why. Way back in 2014, Keith Clark blogged an exceptionally clever CSS trick where you essentially use a CSS transform to scale an element down...

Playing Sounds with CSS

CSS is the domain of styling, layout, and presentation. It is full of colors, sizes, and animations. But did you know that it could also control when a sound plays on a web page? This article is about a little trick to pull that off. It’s actually a strict implementation of the HTML and CSS,...

The Trick to Animating the Dot on the Letter “i”

Here’s the trick: by combining the Turkish letter "ı" and the period "." we can create something that looks like the letter "i," but is made from two separate elements. This opens us up to some fun options to style or animate the dot of the letter independently from the stalk. Worried about...

Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS

Here’s a fabulous CSS trick from Bradley Taunt in which he shows how to make tables work on mobile with just a little bit of extra code. He styles each table row into a card that looks something like this: See the Pen Responsive Tables #2.5: Flexbox by Bradley Taunt (@bradleytaunt) ...

IMF Has Another Trick Up Its Sleeve When Fiat Fails – Its Own Coin SDR

Virtually everybody knows what a dollar is, but not as many know about the SDR. The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Special Drawing Rights is an international, monetary reserve system created specifically to address limitations of gold and standard fiat currencies such as the USD....

Breakout Buttons

Andy covers a technique where a semantic <button> is used within a card component, but really, the whole card is clickable. The trick is to put a pseudo-element that goes beyond the button, covering the entire card. The tradeoff is that the pseudo-element sits on top of the text, so text...

Can you rotate the cursor in CSS?

Kinda! There is no simple or standard way to do it, but it's possible. You can change the cursor to different built-in native versions with CSS with the cursor property, but that doesn't help much here. You can also use that property to set a static image as the cursor. But again that doesn't help...

Lazy load embedded YouTube videos

This is a very clever idea via Arthur Corenzan. Rather than use the default YouTube embed, which adds a crapload of resources to a page whether the user plays the video or not, use the little tiny placeholder webpage that is just an image you can click that is linked to the YouTube embed. It still...

Staggered CSS Transitions

Let's say you wanted to move an element on :hover for a fun visual effect. @media (hover: hover) { .list--item { transition: 0.1s; transform: translateY(10px); } .list--item:hover, .list--item:focus { transform: translateY(0); } } Cool cool. But what if you had several list...

How Governments Steal Your Money and Conceal It Through Inflation

Dozens of countries all over the world have used the same trick called redenomination to hide how they have stolen their own citizens’ money through inflation or hyperinflation. The next nation to try this economic sleight of hand is the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also Read:...

Multi-Line Truncation with Pure CSS

Truncating a single line of text if is fairly straightforward. Truncating multiple lines is a bit harder. Using just CSS (no JavaScript or server-side dancing) is nice for the simplicity. It's gotten a little easier lately since Firefox (since version 68) has started supporting the ultra-bizarre...

Reducing motion with the picture element

Here’s a bonafide CSS/HTML trick from Brad Frost and Dave Rupert where they use the <picture> element to switch out a GIF file with an image if the user has reduced motion enabled. This is how Brad goes about implementing that: <picture> <!-- This image will be loaded if...

Type Conversion with JavaScript Arrays

JavaScript’s loose nature allows developers to employ amazing tricks to do just about anything you’d like. I’ve detailed how you can filter falsy values in arrays using a filter(Boolean) trick, but reader David Hibshman shared another trick for typecasting array values the same...

Get a CSS Custom Property Value with JavaScript

Here’s a neat trick from Andy Bell where he uses CSS Custom Properties to check if a particular CSS feature is supported by using JavaScript. Basically, he's using the ability CSS has to check for browser support on a particular property, setting a custom property that returns a value of either...

Smooth Scrolling for Screencasts

Let's say you wanted to scroll a web page from top to bottom programmatically. For example, you're recording a screencast and want a nice full-page scroll. You probably can't scroll it yourself because it'll be all uneven and jerky. Native JavaScript can do smooth scrolling. Here's a tiny snippet...

CSS Triangles, Multiple Ways

I like Adam Laki's Quick Tip: CSS Triangles because it covers that ubiquitous fact about front-end techniques: there are always many ways to do the same thing. In this case, drawing a triangle can be done: with border and a collapsed element with clip-path: polygon() with transform: rotate()...

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