
Nalezeno "wordpress": 284

Designing a JavaScript Plugin System

WordPress has plugins. jQuery has plugins. Gatsby, Eleventy, and Vue do, too. Plugins are a common feature of libraries and frameworks, and for a good reason: they allow developers to add functionality, in a safe, scalable way. This makes the core project more valuable, and it builds a community... Growth Summit

I’m speaking at The Official Growth Summit coming up in August. “Learn how to build and grow your site, from start to scale”, as they say. Lovely, thick, diverse set of speakers. It’s a little bit outside my normal spheres which makes...

Creating a Gatsby Site with WordPress Data

In my previous article last week, I mentioned creating a partially ported WordPress-Gatsby site. This article is a continuation with a step-by-step walkthrough under the hood. Gatsby, a React-based framework for static sites, is attracting attention not only from JavaScript developers but also from...

My Long Journey to a Decoupled WordPress Gatsby Site

As a professional research biologist, my playground used to be science laboratories filled with microscopes, petri dishes, and biology tools. Curiosity leads many scientists on their journey to discoveries. Mine led me to web design. I used to try learning HTML on my lab desktop while centrifuging...

Frontity is React for WordPress

Some developers just prefer working in React. I don’t blame them really, because I like React too. Maybe that’s what they learned first. I’ve been using it long enough there is just some comfort to it. But mostly it is the strong component model that I like. There is just...

Collective #613

1-Line Layouts * Accordion Rows in CSS Grid * viewBox Newsletter * Knopf.css * WordPress Static Site The post Collective #613 appeared first on Codrops

WooCommerce on CSS-Tricks

I always get all excited when I accomplish something, but I get extra excited when I get it done and think, “well, that was easy.” As much as I enjoy fiddling with technology, I enjoy reaping the benefit of well set-up technology even more. That’s why I still get so excited about...

Book: The Greatest CSS Tricks Vol. I

Ya know, for a site called “CSS-Tricks” that I’ve run for well over a decade, it’s a little funny we’ve never done a book under that name. I’ve written a book about WordPress and SVG, but never CSS! Well, allow me to change that. I’ve been working on...

My Flywheel Landing Page

Flywheel is my WordPress hosting partner here. I use Local every day for my WordPress local development environment and use their hosting for all my WordPress sites as part of my whole flow, so I’m glad they aren’t just a sponsor but a product I use and like. Last November some of their...

Adding a Custom Welcome Guide to the WordPress Block Editor

I am creating a WordPress plugin and there is a slight learning curve when it comes to using it. I’d like to give users a primer on how to use the plugin, but I want to avoid diverting users to documentation on the plugin’s website since that takes them out of the experience. What would...

WordPress Block Transforms

This has been the year of Gutenberg for us here at CSS-Tricks. In fact, that’s a goal we set at the end of last year. We’re much further along that I thought we’d be, authoring all new content in the block editor¹, enabling the block editor for all content now. That means when...

Oficiální plugin Googlu pro Wordpress lze napadnout. Chyby opravuje aktualizace

Google nabízí zdarma plugin pro populární systém Wordpress, který umožňuje administrátorům propojit stránky se službou Search Console. Doplněk ale obsahuje závažnou chybu, kvůli které mohou útočníci získat přístup právě do této služby Googlu. Plugin s názvem Site Kit Google vydal poměrně nedávno

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