Embracing the Universal Web
There are constantly new features appearing in browsers—from subgrid to variable fonts to better developer tools. It's a really great time to be re-thinking everything we know about design on the web. Responsive design has served us well over the years, but it's still rooted in the limitations...
US Think Tank Releases Report on Investigation Into Illicit Transactions on the Dark Web
U.S. think thank releases a report on the future of investigating illicit transactions on the dark web, including tracing crypto use
It’s my job, and yours.
The role of ethics in our modern web space has been on my mind for the past few years and I suspect it will occupy my thoughts increasingly as I move forward. With each encounter of a questionable feature or setting on a website, I can't help but think of all of the people involved and...
The future is bright, because the future is static
I've been doing this web thing for money for 10 years this year and although I haven’t been around as long as some folks, I feel like I've seen a few cycles come and go now, so let's say that hot new things are often cynically viewed, initially. This milestone of mine has also got me in...
Web 3.0 Initiatives Can Drive Crypto Adoption Across the Globe
Opera is joining other companies to use existing traditional networks to encourage crypto adoption
The Typed Object Model
I help write technical documentation and one feature I've been writing about this year that has really stood out is the Typed Object Model (or Typed OM). If you haven't come across it yet you would be forgiven as it's pretty new. It falls under the CSS Houdini suite of API's and on the surface...
Variations on Theme: Reinventing Type on the Web
If anyone knows anything about me, it’s usually one of two things: that I have two outrageously fluffy dogs, or that I like fonts and typography. Like, really really like them. So while I am super excited about how well Tristan is doing with his hydrotherapy —we’re walking 50% further than he...
[aktualita] Seznam Zprávy mají nový web a logo, nově se zaměří na byznys, analýzy a komentáře
Původní zpravodajství Seznamu dostalo novou tvář. Seznam Zprávy spustily nový web a oznamují i posun v tematickém zaměření. Podle šéfredaktora Jiřího Kubíka má být server „… zdrojem původních informací, nezávislé investigace a originální publicistiky, včetně zbrusu nových videoformátů.“ Nový...
No, Absolutely Not
I think the difference between a junior and senior front-end developer isn't in their understanding or familiarity with a particular tech stack, toolchain, or whether they can write flawless code. Instead, it all comes down to this: how they push back against bad ideas.
What I've learned this year...
Six Months Using Firebase Web Performance Monitoring
I don't really think of Firebase as a performance monitoring tool (all I ever think about is auth and real-time data storage), but nevertheless, it totally has that feature.
Justin Ribeiro...
[A] tool to track what real users in the wild are experiencing with an easy setup? Yes, please. [...]...
Real-Time Google Search Results API with serpstack (Sponsored)
In my early web days, I was interested in scraping and collecting data based on the results of Google searches. Scraping Google was easier in those days but now Google search results are so dynamic that you can’t rely on getting the same HTML or data structure back. Add in CAPTCHAs, rate...
Teaching CSS
I've been using CSS as a web developer since CSS became something we could actually use. My first websites were built using <font> tags and <table>s for layout. I remember arguments about whether this whole CSS thing was a good idea at all. I was quickly convinced, mostly due to...
The Communal Cycle of Sharing
What I'm interested in this year is how we're continuing to expand on tools, services, and shared side projects to collectively guide where we take the web next, and the way we're sharing that.
So many other mediums—mostly analog ones—have been around for ages and have a deeper history. In...
The Best Cocktail in Town
I admit I've held in a lot of pent-up frustration about the direction web development has taken the past few years. There is the complexity. It requires a steep learning curve. It focuses more on more configuration than it does development.
That's not exactly great news for folks like me...
The Kind of Development I Like
I'm turning 40 next year (yikes!) and even though I've been making websites for over 25 years, I feel like I'm finally beginning to understand the kind of development I like. Expectedly, these are not new revelations and my views can be summed up by two older Computer Science adages that pre-date...
We asked web developers we admire: “What about building websites has you interested this year?”
For the first time ever here on CSS-Tricks, we're going to do an end-of-year series of posts. Like an Advent calendar riff, only look at us, we're beating the Advent calendar rush! We'll be publishing several articles a day from a variety of web developers we look up to, where gave them all...
The Department of Useless Images
Gerry McGovern:
The Web is smothering in useless images. These clichéd, stock images communicate absolutely nothing of value, interest or use. They are one of the worst forms of digital pollution because they take up space on the page, forcing more useful content out of sight. They also slow down...
The Amazingly Useful Tools from Yoksel
I find myself web searching for some tool by Yoksel at least every month. I figured I'd list out some of my favorites here in case you aren't aware of them.
Need to duo-tone an image? SVG filters can do that. Lentie Ward wrote about it for us, and Yoksel has a tool to create the filters...
Some CSS Grid Strategies for Matching Design Mockups
The world of web development has always had a gap between the design-to-development handoff. Ambitious designers want the final result of their effort to look unique and beautiful (and true to their initial vision), whereas many developers find more value in an outcome that is consistent...
Collective #565
Next-generation web styling * Sketch 60 * The 2019 Web Almanac * Markup from hell * Video Game Console Logos
Collective #565 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops