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Bitcoin SV Gets Split Into 3 Chains After 210 MB Block

On Saturday, 3rd August 2019, Bitcoin SV network got split into 3 different chains temporarily because it witnessed mining of a huge block, sized 210 Megabytes. As per BitMEX Research’s report, the nodes of Bitcoin SV got divided into 3 groups which resulted in the network split. Bitcoin SV is... Launches High Speed Crypto Exchange for Retail Traders

Cryptocurrency investors looking for a trading platform focused on high speed performance just got a brand new option, from a company they probably already know and trust. Popular wallet provider is launching The Pit. Also Read: Launches New Bitcoin Cash Block Explorer... CEO Highlights the Benefits and ‘Golden Mean’ of Bitcoin Cash

On July 23, the CEO of, Jiang Zhuoer, debated Nchain’s chief scientist Craig Wright in regard to the civil war between BCH and BSV that took place in November. Amid the debate hosted by Bitkan, Zhuoer highlighted the top three advantages tied to the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem. During...

SLP Developers Publish Specs for a Unique Type of Non-Fungible Tokens

The Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) has become a popular project within the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem because it gives anyone the ability to issue and transfer tokens in a permissionless fashion. Since the project was announced last year, there’s been a myriad of tokens created on the BCH chain....

Another Self-Proclaimed Satoshi Appears in the High Profile Bitcoin Lawsuit

A new filing has been submitted to the ongoing Kleiman v. Wright case stemming from a man who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto. The man, named Debo Jurgen Etienne Guido, has sent handwritten testimony to the Southern District of Florida courthouse asserting that he is the “genuine and only...

Why Bitcoin Maximalists Ignore the Value Proposition of BCH

Some crypto companies keep wilfully ignoring BCH. Let’s compare the coins and see if BCH haters rail against Bitcoin Cash on purpose or simply due to a lack of understanding. Also read: Bitcoin and Black Market Fiat: Hyperinflation Crushes Venezuela as Global Devaluation Ramps Up Bitcoin...

Learn to Read Crypto and Blockchain Data With Our Guide

Just launched, our free block explorer guide will have you navigating blockchain data like the coolest kid on the block At CoinMarketCap, we have made it a mission to clearly communicate blockchain and crypto concepts in conjunction with providing data […] The post Learn to Read Crypto...

NEXT BLOCK ASIA “Beyond Crypto” Conference Closes with Bangkok Bash

NEXT BLOCK, one of the pioneering crypto and blockchain conferences coming out of Eastern Europe turned towards Asia in its latest iteration, held between June 25 – 26, 2019 in Bangkok Thailand, at the W Bangkok Hotel. The conference saw attendees, speakers, and panelists from around...

Spam Detection APIs

I was trying to research the landscape of these the other day — And by research, I mean light Googling and asking on Twitter. Weirdly, very little comes to mind when thinking about spam detection APIs. I mean some kind of URL endpoint, paid or not, where you can hit it with a block of text...

Spam Detection APIs

I was trying to research the landscape of these the other day — And by research, I mean light Googling and asking on Twitter. Weirdly, very little comes to mind when thinking about spam detection APIs. I mean some kind of URL endpoint, paid or not, where you can hit it with a block of text...

New Betting Game Allows People to Wager on BTC’s Next Block Fee

Bitcoin core (BTC) prices have been rising sharply over the last few weeks and people have also noticed BTC transaction fees have spiked as well. Now there’s a new gaming site called Guess Bitcoinfees allowing people to bet on the 24-hour average transaction fee for the next day and the site...

Managing WordPress Metadata in Gutenberg Using a Sidebar Plugin

WordPress released their anticipated over to the post editor, nicknamed Gutenberg, which is also referred to as the block editor. It transforms a WordPress post into a collection of blocks that you can add, edit, remove and re-order in the layout. Before the official release, Gutenberg...

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