
Nalezeno "block ": 1682

How to Check Bitcoin Cash Transactions With a Block Explorer

A block explorer is a tool that enables cryptocurrency users to search addresses, balances, blocks, and transactions so they can verify all activities on the network. offers a BCH explorer, helping you to keep track of your coins. Also Read: Wallet and Card App Adds Bitcoin...’s Early Investors to Receive 6,567% Return

The early investors in blockchain solutions provider, the company behind the EOS blockchain, will see the return on their initial investment reaching as much as 6,567% in less than three years. A buyback by will return some money to its shareholders, and the startup’s earliest...

Bitcoin Cash Devs Publish the First 3 of 3 Multi-Sig Schnorr Transaction

On May 15, the Bitcoin Cash network successfully upgraded by implementing Schnorr signatures, after which a few developers processed some basic Schnorr signatures. Then, on Saturday, May 18, software developers Chris Pacia, Mark Lundeberg, and Checksum0 performed the first multi-sig Schnorr...

Bitcoin History Part 13: The First Mining Pool

The notion that anyone could solo mine bitcoin – on a CPU no less – seems positively quaint today. But in 2010, this method wasn’t just possible – it was the norm. With an exponentially lower hashrate, less competition and a 50 bitcoin block reward, there was enough pie...

Bitcoin Cash Protocol Successfully Upgrades — Schnorr Signatures Are Here

The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) chain has officially upgraded, adding Schnorr signatures and the Segwit recovery exemption. As of block 582680, the chain has implemented the new features successfully and BCH fans are celebrating another major protocol improvement. Also read: Schnorr Signatures Are Coming...

Russian Prosecutors Fail to Block Crypto Website

A court case in Russia has signaled a change in the attitude authorities have towards the cryptocurrency space, at least on first glance. An online portal helping traders find the best exchange options for their digital assets will be allowed to restore normal operations. That’s after...

Crypto Heresy: Question Blockstream on Twitter and You’ll Be Blocked

Crypto Twitter (CT) is a grueling battleground between digital currency enthusiasts, company executives, maximalists, journalists, lawyers, and so-called thought leaders and luminaries. For instance, on May 8, reporter Larry Cermak posted data concerning Blockstream and its sidechain project...

Happy 6th Birthday! DATA Alliance, Block Explorers and more

Today we are celebrating our sixth anniversary at CoinMarketCap. To commemorate this momentous occasion, we are announcing several major initiatives that we’ve been working on for months: CoinMarketCap Data Accountability & Transparency Alliance CoinMarketCap Block Explorers CoinMarketCap Shop...

Oh, the Many Ways to Make Triangular Breadcrumb Ribbons!

Oh, the Many Ways to Make Triangular Breadcrumb Ribbons Let’s have a look at how we can create a row of links that sorta run into each other with a chevron-like shape and notch on each block like you might see in a hierarchical breadcrumb navigation. You’ve probably seen this pattern a lot....

A Gutenburg-Powered Newsletter

I like Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor. I'm not oblivious to all the conversation around accessibility, UX, and readiness, but I know how hard it is to ship software and I'm glad WordPress got it out the door. Now it can evolve for the better. I see a lot of benefit to block-based editors. Some...

Text Wrapping & Inline Pseudo Elements

I love posts like this. It's just about adding a little icon to the end of certain links, but it ends up touching on a million things along the way. I think this is an example of why some people find front-end fun and some people rather dislike it. Things involved: Cool [attribute] selectors that...

How @supports Works

CSS has a neat feature that allows us to test if the browser supports a particular property or property:value combination before applying a block of styles — like how a @media query matches when, say, the width of the browser window is narrower than some specified size and then the CSS within...

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