Delivering WordPress in 7KB
Over the past six months, I've become increasingly interested in the topic of web sustainability. The carbon footprint of the Internet was not something I used to give much thought to, which is surprising considering my interest in environmental issues and the fact that my profession...
Hide Information in Images
If you’ve followed this blog, you know that I’m obsessed with figuring out every way to interact with, abuse, and convert different types of media. Whether it’s images, video, or audio, if something can be changed or exploited, I want to figure out how to do it. I remember...
Aféra s náhrdelníkem: Kdo nalíčil na Marii Antoinettu diamantovou past?
Aféra s náhrdelníkem: Kdo nalíčil na Marii Antoinettu diamantovou past?
World wide wrist
After all the hubbub with WWDC over the past couple of days, Ethan Marcotte is excited about the news that the Apple Watch will be able to view web content.
He writes:
If I had to guess, I’d imagine some sort of “reader mode” is coming to the Watch: in other words, when you open a link on your...
Mouka místo kokainu: Nad pašeráky drog sklapla past
Mouka místo kokainu: Nad pašeráky drog sklapla past
Destructuring and Function Arguments
The JavaScript language has benefitted from some really awesome new features over the past few years, including arrow functions, the spread operator, and default function argument values. Even if your browser doesn’t yet support proposed JavaScript API syntax additions, you can use a tool...
Němci políčí na kapsáře IT past, kritici se bojí slídilství
Německé město Mannheim chystá inteligentní systém schopný rozpoznávat pouliční kriminalitu. Oko zákona je pevně přimontováno a vidí vše. Kapsáře, rváče, zlodějíčky. Statistika zločinnosti v německém Mannheimu klesá, lidé se cítí bezpečněji. Tak by to mohlo vypadat, až se záměr Christiana Spechta...
Past na zločince: Kde se vzala věda jménem daktyloskopie?
Past na zločince: Kde se vzala věda jménem daktyloskopie?