
Nalezeno "web": 2178

Add Animations to React Apps with React-Lottie

So your designer just came up with an amazing new animation on Adobe After Effects for your web application, fantastic! Just one problem, how do you convert this to a format usable within your web

Smooth Scrolling for Screencasts

Let's say you wanted to scroll a web page from top to bottom programmatically. For example, you're recording a screencast and want a nice full-page scroll. You probably can't scroll it yourself because it'll be all uneven and jerky. Native JavaScript can do smooth scrolling. Here's a tiny snippet...

Web slaví 30 let. Ten současný potřebuje podle jeho tvůrce opravit

V úterý si připomínáme první zveřejnění návrhu systému na správu informací, ke kterému došlo 12. března 1989. Později se z něj vyvinul hypertextový projekt WorldWideWeb.Další články k tématu:Jak vypadala první webová stránka na světěNelíbí se mi, kam se internet vydal, říká vynálezce WWW. Chce...


This is not a sponsored post. I requested a beta access for this site called Stackbit a while back, got my invite the other day, and thought it was a darn fine idea that's relevant to us web nerds — particularly those of us who spin up a lot of JAMstack sites. I'm a big fan of the whole idea...

[článek] Web dnes slaví 30. narozeniny. Podaří se ho zachránit?

[7 minut čtení] Před 30 lety přišel Tim Berners-Lee s prvním návrhem dnešního World Wide Webu. Dnes bojuje o jeho záchranu jako otevřeného a svobodného prostředí. Dnes je to přesně 30 let od chvíle, kdy tehdy 34letý britský vědec Tim Berners-Lee přišel s návrhem distribuovaného hypertextového...

Accessibility is not a “React Problem”

Leslie Cohn-Wein's main point: While [lots of divs, inline styles, focus management problems] are valid concerns, it should be noted that nothing in React prevents us from building accessible web apps. True. I'm quite capable (and sadly, guilty) of building inaccessible interfaces with React...

6 Up and Coming Web Design Trends in 2019

Every year and even every few months, new design trends pop up. Personally, I love watching other creative people devise new takes on design. Today, we’ll discuss 6 up... The post 6 Up and Coming Web Design Trends in 2019 appeared first on Onextrapixel

HMTL, CSS and JS in an ADD, OCD, Bi-Polar, Dyslexic and Autistic World

Hey CSS-Tricksters! A lot of folks tweeted, emailed, commented and even courier pigeoned (OK, maybe not that) stories about their personal journeys learning web development after we published "The Great Divide" essay. One of those stories was from Tim Smith and, it was so interesting, that...

Using React Loadable for Code Splitting by Components and Routes

In a bid to have web applications serve needs for different types of users, it’s likely that more code is required than it would be for one type of user so the app can handle and adapt to different scenarios and use cases, which lead to new features and functionalities. When this happens, it’s...

Native Video on the Web

TIL about the HLS video format: HLS stands for HTTP Live Streaming. It’s an adaptive bitrate streaming protocol developed by Apple. One of those sentences to casually drop at any party. Äh. Back on track: HLS allows you to specify a playlist with multiple video sources in different resolutions....

Extracting Text from Content Using HTML Slot, HTML Template and Shadow DOM

Chapter names in books, quotes from a speech, keywords in an article, stats on a report — these are all types of content that could be helpful to isolate and turn into a high-level summary of what's important. For example, have you seen the way Business Insider provides an article's key points...

The Client/Server Rendering Spectrum

I've definitely been guilty of thinking about rendering on the web as a two-horse race. There is Server-Side Rendering (SSR, like this WordPress site is doing) and Client-Side Rendering (CSR, like a typical React app). Both are full of advantages and disadvantages. But, of course, the conversation...

The Bottleneck of the Web

Steve Souders, "JavaScript Dominates Browser CPU": Ten years ago the network was the main bottleneck. Today, the main bottleneck is JavaScript. The amount of JavaScript on pages is growing rapidly (nearly 5x in the last 7 years). In order to keep pages rendering and feeling fast, we need to focus...

Inspirational Websites Roundup #2

The second compilation of inspiring website designs with some unique picks to get your creative juices flowing. Inspirational Websites Roundup #2 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Why CSS Needs its Own Survey

2016 was only three years ago, but that’s almost a whole other era in web development terms. The JavaScript landscape was in turmoil, with up-and-comer React — as well as a little-known framework called Vue — fighting to dethrone Angular. Like many other developers, I felt lost. I needed some...

Google Duo se kupodivu chytlo. Služba proto přichází z mobilů i na web

Nové komunikátory od Googlu se většinou příliš nechytí, aplikace pro videohovory Duo je ale výjimkou. Celosvětově se dočkala poměrně velkého úspěchu, a tak z mobilních telefonů konečně míří i na web. Zatímco Allu se nepodařilo získat dostatečný počet uživatelů, Duo si získalo uživatele díky své

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