
Nalezeno "React": 140

Bridging the Gap Between CSS and JavaScript: CSS-in-JS

In this article, we’re going to dig into the concept of CSS-in-JS. If you’re already acquainted with this concept, you might still enjoy a stroll through the philosophy of that approach, and you might be even more interested in the next article. Web development is very interdisciplinary. We’re used...

Finite State Machines with React

As JavaScript applications on the web have grown more complex, so too has the complexity of dealing with state in those applications — state being the aggregate of all the data that an application needs to perform its function. Over the last several years, there has been a ton of great...

Render Children in React Using Fragment or Array Components

What comes to your mind when React 16 comes up? Context? Error Boundary? Those are on point. React 16 came with those goodies and much more, but In this post, we'll be looking at the rendering power it also introduced — namely, the ability to render children using Fragments and Array...

Building a Complex UI Animation in React, Simply

Let’s use React, styled-components, and react-flip-toolkit to make our own version of the animated navigation menu on the Stripe homepage. It's an impressive menu with some slick animation effects and the combination of these three tools can make it relatively easy to recreate. This is...

Handling Errors with Error Boundary

Thinking and building in React involves approaching application design in chunks, or components. Each part of your application that performs an action can and should be treated as a component. In fact, React is component-based and, as Tomas Eglinkas recently wrote, we should leverage that concept...

An Almost Ideal React Image Component

Yes, this is a React component, but regardless if you care about that part or not, the "ideal image component" part could be of interest. There is a lot to consider with how we put images on web pages these days. This deals with: Placeholder space (and then flexible responsive styles after...

A Quick Roundup of Recent React Chatter

Like many, many others, I'm in the pool of leveling up my JavaScript skills and learning how to put React to use. That's why Brad Frost resonated with me when he posted My Struggle to Learn React." As Brad does, he clearly outlines his struggles point-by-point: I have invested enough time...

Digging Into React Context

You may have wondered lately what all the buzz is about Context and what it might mean for you and your React sites. Before Context, when the management of state gets complicated beyond the functionality of setState, you likely had to make use of a third party library. Thanks to recent updates...

Managing State in React With Unstated

As your application becomes more complex, the management of state can become tedious. A component's state is meant to be self-contained, which makes sharing state across multiple components a headache. Redux is usually the go-to library to manage state in React, however, depending on how complex...

How React Reconciliation Works

React is fast! Some of that speed comes from updating only the parts of the DOM that need it. Less for you to worry about and a speed gain to boot. As long as you understand the workings of setState(), you should be good to go. However, it’s also important to familiarize yourself with how this...

Get a React Component by DOM Node

Retrieving a React component’s DOM node is fairly simple from within the component itself, but what if you want to work backward:  retrieve a component’s instance by DOM node?  This is a task that the old Dojo Toolkit’s Dijit framework allowed with the dojo.byId method, so it made...

How to Get a React Component’s Element

JSX is an amazing pseudo-language for React, and if I’m honest, it’s what brought me to love React so much.  Using React without JSX is cumbersome and frustrating, while using JSX is such an easier way to express your code.  One drawback of JSX, however, is that it makes accessing...

What’s wrong with CSS-in-JS?

Brad Frost thinks it's: Lack of portability Context Switching Flushing best practices down the toilet In the spirit of good-ol-fashioned blog-and-response, here's: Brain Muenzenmeyer's response Micah Godbolt's response I'd like to point out that "CSS-in-JS" is an umbrella term, and that there...

React and autofocus

While I love ReactJS, I can say that I sometimes find interactions that were easy during the pre-ReactJS are annoyingly difficult or at least “indirect”.  One example is properly ensuring that a given <input> element gets focused when a button in a different component...

IT akademie Brno – React v praxi

Na workshopu si vyzkoušíte pokročilou tvorbu aplikací v Reactu a běžně využívaných knihovnách užívaných s Reactem. Podíváme se do světa Reactu a na jeho ekosystém, zaměříme se na prozkoumání nejvíce používaných knihoven s Reactem.…

Understanding React `setState`

React components can, and often do, have state. State can be anything, but think of things like whether a user is logged in or not and displaying the correct username based on which account is active. Or an array of blog posts. Or if a modal is open or not and which tab within it is active. React...

What are Higher-Order Components in React?

If you have been in the React ecosystem for a while, there is a possibility that you have heard about Higher Order Components. Let’s look at a simple implementation while also trying to explain the core idea. From here you should get a good idea of how they work and even put them to use. Why...

React Video Player

Streaming entertainment is a massive interest of mine as both a consumer and web developer.  My love for streaming entertainment dates back to the early days of RealPlayer and the misery of a million codecs.  Fast forward to today and I’m working a lot with ReactJS, as well as the dozens...

Force a React Component to Re-Render

The beauty of React components is that they automagically render and update based on a change in state or props; simply update the state from any place and suddenly your UI element updates — awesome!  There may be a case, however, where you simply want to brute force a fresh render of a React...

Další ngParty meetup proběhne v Praze

Zveme všechny na další ngParty meetup v Praze. Budeme mít hosta Martina Sonnenholzera z Berlína, který nám řekne něco o využiyí Machine Learning pro lazy loading, dale nam Jiří Maršíček naserviruje tochu funkcionalniho programování v podobě Functional Lenses…

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