
Nalezeno "color": 51

Exploring color-contrast() for the first time.

I saw in the release notes for Safari Technical Preview 122 that it has support for a color-contrast() function in CSS. Safari is first out of the gate here. As far as I know, no other browser supports this yet … The post Exploring color-contrast() for the first time. appeared first...

Why You Should Rewatch Your Favorite Movies in Black and White

Cinema snobs the world over scoffed when polarizing director Zack Snyder announced that his indulgent superhero opus Zack Snyder’s Justice League would be re-rereleased in a desaturated black and white version he’d dubbed Zack Snyder’s Justice League: Justice Is Gray. I was among them, but mostly...

The cometh: The rise and fall of the Game Boy’s weirdest rivals

There was a time—from roughly April of 1989 until the mobile revolution of the last 10 years—when “mobile gaming” meant something very different to the vast majority of people. Specifically, it meant Nintendo. Even as the Console Wars raged at home, the Japanese giant’s iron-fingered...

Mixing Colors in Pure CSS

Red + Blue = Purple… right? Is there some way to express that in CSS? Well, not easily. There is a proposal draft for a color-mix function and some degree of interest from Chrome, but it doesn’t seem right around the corner. It would be nice to have native CSS color mixing, as it would give...

Using JavaScript to Adjust Saturation and Brightness of RGB Colors

Lately I’ve been taking a look into designing with color (or “colour” as we spell it where I’m from in New Zealand). Looking at Adam Wathan and Steve Schroger’s advice on the subject, we find that we’re going to need more than just five nice looking hex codes from a color palette...

The Expanding Gamut of Color on the Web

CSS was introduced to the web all the way back in 1996. At the time, most computer monitors were pretty terrible. The colors of CSS — whether defined with the RGB, HSL, or hexadecimal format — catered to the monitors of the time, all within the sRGB colorspace. Most newer devices have a wide-gamut...

No-Comma Color Functions in CSS

There have been a couple of viral tweets about this lately, one from Adam Argyle and one from Mathias Bynes. This is a nice change that makes CSS a bit more clear. Before, every single color function actually needs two functions, one for transparency and one without, this eliminates that need...

8 Daring Examples of Cyberpunk Design

Cyberpunk design was a discovery of the previous year. Although it did not take the web by storm like flat style or material design did once, it was undoubtedly... The post 8 Daring Examples of Cyberpunk Design appeared first on Onextrapixel

Creating Color Themes With Custom Properties, HSL, and a Little calc()

Before the advent of CSS custom properties (we might call them “variables” in this article as that’s the spirit of them), implementing multiple color schemes on the same website usually meant writing separate stylesheets. Definitely not the most maintainable thing in the world. Nowadays, though,...

Wide Gamut Color in CSS with Display-P3

Here’s something I’d never heard of before: Display-P3 support in CSS Color Module Level 4 spec. This is a new color profile supported by certain displays and it introduces a much wider range of colors that we can choose from. Right now the syntax looks something like this in CSS: header...

Programming Sass to Create Accessible Color Combinations

We are always looking to make the web more accessible. Color contrast is just math, so Sass can help cover edge cases that designers might have missed. The post Programming Sass to Create Accessible Color Combinations appeared first on CSS-Tricks

Understanding Web Accessibility Color Contrast Guidelines and Ratios

What should you do when you get a complaint about the color contrast in your web design? It might seem perfectly fine to you because you’re able to read content throughout the site, but to someone else, it might be a totally different experience. How can put yourself in that person’s shoes...

The Web in 2020: Extensibility and Interoperability

In the past few years, we’ve seen a lot of change and diversion in regard to web technologies. In 2020, I foresee us as a web community heading toward two major trends/goals: extensibility and interoperability. Let’s break those down. Extensibility Extensibility describes...

The Best Color Functions in CSS?

I've said before that HSL is the best color format we have. Most of us aren't like David DeSandro, who can read hex codes. HSL(a) is Hue, Saturation, Lightness, and alpha, if we need it. hsl(120, 100%, 40%) Hue isn't intuitive, but it's not that weird. You take a trip around the color wheel from...

So Many Color Links

There's been a run of tools, articles, and resources about color lately. Please allow me to close a few tabs by rounding them up here for your enjoyment. Curated colors in context Happy Hues demonstrates a bunch of color palettes in the context of the site itself. That's a nice way to do...

A Whole Bunch of Places to Consider Contrast in a Single Paragraph

When we're thinking about choosing colors in design, we're always thinking about accessibility. Whenever colors touch, there is contrast and, if we're talking about the color contrast of text, it needs to be high enough to be readable. This benefits people with a variety of visual disabilities,...

A Handy Sass-Powered Tool for Making Balanced Color Palettes

For those who may not come from a design background, selecting a color palette is often based on personal preferences. Choosing colors might be done with an online color tool, sampling from an image, "borrowing" from favorite brands, or just sort of randomly picking from a color wheel until...


There are loads of microsites and developer tools for looking at color accessibility, including tools built right into browser DevTools. They often show you if a color passes AA or AAA WCAG guidelines. But color contrast is more complicated than that because there is a wide variety of vision...

Designing accessible color systems

The team at Stripe explores how they’re refining their color palette to make it more accessible and legible for users across all their products and interfaces. Not only that but the team built a wonderful and yet entirely bonkers app for figuring out the ideal range of colors that they needed. We...

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