
Nalezeno "jamstack": 43

Static Hoisting

The other day in “Static or not?” I said: […] serving HTML from a CDN is some feat. What I meant is that serving resources like images, CSS, and JavaScript from a CDN is fairly straightforward. The industry at large has been doing that for many years. An asset with a URL can...

Angular + Jamstack! (Free Webinar)

(This is a sponsored post.) It’s easy to think that working with Jamstack means working with some specific set of technologies. That’s how it’s traditionally been packaged for us. Think LAMP stack, where Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP are explicit tools and languages. or MEAN...

APIs and Authentication on the Jamstack

The first “A” in the Jamstack stands for “APIs” and is a key contributor to what makes working with static sites so powerful. APIs give developers the freedom to offload complexity and provide avenues for including dynamic functionality to an otherwise static site. Often, accessing an API requires...

Data-driven Jamstack with Sourcebit

Think of building sites with Gatsby as an hourglass shape. Gatsby itself is right in the middle. The wide funnel at the top represents the fact that Gatsby can take in data from all sorts of sources. The data could be in markdown files, from a headless CMS or some other API, from a hosted database...

How To Create A Headless WordPress Site On The JAMstack

Just this morning, Chris shared a streamlined way to get a static site up and running with Netlify. As it happens, Sarah and I also wrote up a little something that expands that idea where a static site can pull content from WordPress using the REST API. Using Vue, Nuxt, axios and Netlify, it's...

Build a dynamic JAMstack app with GatsbyJS and FaunaDB

In this article, we explain the difference between single-page apps (SPAs) and static sites, and how we can bring the advantages of both worlds together in a dynamic JAMstack app using GatsbyJS and FaunaDB. We will build an application that pulls in some data from FaunaDB during build time...

JAMstack vs. Jamstack

It's just a word to evoke the idea that serving as much as you can statically while using client-side code and hitting serverless APIs for any needs after that. The "official website" changed their language from JAMstack (evoking the JavaScript, APIs, and Markup acronym) to Jamstack. It's nothing...

What makes a site JAMstack?

I admit I didn’t know the ins and outs of what the Jamstack is until recently, despite having heard the term so frequently. I think I’m not alone in this. It’s an elusive term — how is it different from what came before, especially considering it shares so many similarities? Thankfully, Divya...

Adding Dynamic And Async Functionality To JAMstack Sites

Jason Lengstorf: Here’s an incomplete list of things that I’ve repeatedly heard people claim the JAMstack can’t handle that it definitely can: Load data asynchronously Handle processing files, such as manipulating images Read from and write to a database Handle user authentication and protect...

What to Expect from the JAMstack in 2020

Brian Rinaldi interviewed a variety of folks, asking them the same questions about JAMstack development and the landscape recently: Raymond Camden: I think we will see better competition from the bigger players. Gift Egwuenu: I'm also looking forward to more job openings on the JAMstack. Bryan...

Create a Static Site Using Angular & Scully

The team at HeroDevs has just released the alpha version of Scully, a static site generator for Angular. That's right, Angular didn't have an intuitive way to create JAMstack applications before, but now it's possible! Scully uses a node CLI application to run Angular schematics so you don’t have...

The Rising Complexity of JAMstack Sites and How to Manage Them

When you add anything with user-generated content or dynamic data to a static site, the complexity of the build process can become comparable to launching a monolithic CMS. How can we add rich content to static sites without stitching together multiple third-party services? For people in...

JAMstack CMSs Have Finally Grown Up!

This article is based on Brian's presentation at Connect.Tech 2019. Slides with speaker notes from that presentation are available to download. In my experience, developers generally find the benefits of the JAMstack easy to comprehend. Sites are faster because the resources are static and served...

A Look at JAMstack’s Speed, By the Numbers

People say JAMstack sites are fast — let’s find out why by looking at real performance metrics! We’ll cover common metrics, like Time to First Byte (TTFB) among others, then compare data across a wide section of sites to see how different ways to slice those sites up compare. First, I’d like...

JAMstack Tools and The Spectrum of Classification

With the wonderful world of JAMstack getting big, all the categories of services and tools that help it along are as important as ever. There are static site generators, headless CMSs, and static file hosts. I think those classifications are handy, and help conversations along. But there is a point...

Random Notes from a JAMstack Roundtable

I hosted a JAMstack roundtable discussion at Web Unleashed this past weekend. Just a few random notes from that experience. I was surprised at first that there really is confusion that the "M" in Jamstack stands for "Markdown" (the language that compiles to HTML) rather than "Markup" (the "M"...

My Favorite Netlify Features

👋 Hey folks! Silvestar pitched this post to us because he is genuinely enthusiastic about JAMstack and all of the opportunities it opens up for front-end development. We wanted to call that out because, although some of the points in here might come across as sponsored content and Netlify...

Hey, let’s create a functional calendar app with the JAMstack

Hey, let's create a functional calendar app with the JAMstack I’ve always wondered how dynamic scheduling worked so I decided to do extensive research, learn new things, and write about the technical part of the journey. It’s only fair to warn you: everything I cover here is three weeks of research...

JAMstack? More like SHAMstack.

I'm a fan of the whole JAMstack thing. It seems like a healthy web movement. I'm looking forward to both of the upcoming conferences. Of any web trend, #jamstack seems like it will be the least regrettable. — Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) May 22, 2019 I feel like the acronym might not...

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