Some Typography Blog Posts I’ve Bookmarked and Read Lately

Font-size: An Unexpectedly Complex CSS Property — From Manish Goregaokar in 2017. Of many oddities, I found the one where font: medium monospace renders at 13px where font: medium sans-serif renders at 16px particularly weird. The good line-height — Since … The post Some Typography Blog...

Lazy Load Routes in Vue with webpack Dynamic Comments

The way routing works in JavaScript is usually that you specify which relative URL pattern you want for which component to render. So for /about you want the <About /> component to render. Let’s take a look at how to … The post Lazy Load Routes in Vue with webpack Dynamic Comments...

Collective #647

Mutsuacen * New aspect-ratio CSS property * Fusuma * Dark Patterns in UI Copy 2021 The post Collective #647 appeared first on Codrops


Algolia is for search. Literally any website can take advantage of Algolia-powered search. You put JSON data (“records”) in, and then you can search them at lightning speed. The magic of Algolia is that they help you with both of … The post Algolia appeared first...

Some Performance Blog Posts I’ve Bookmarked and Read Lately

Back/forward cache — I always assumed browsers just do fancy stuff with the back/forward buttons and us developers had very little control. Philip Walton tells us it’s critical that we understand “what makes pages eligible (and ineligible) for bfcache to … The post Some...

Going From Solid to Knockout Text on Scroll

Here’s a fun CSS trick to show your friends: a large title that switches from a solid color to knockout text as the background image behind it scrolls into place. And we can do it using plain ol’ HTML and … The post Going From Solid to Knockout Text on Scroll appeared first...

The Web is for More Than Document Viewing

I poked at a tweet from Ken Kocienda over the weekend: “Water not wet” reports man standing in ocean. — Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) January 31, 2021 I don’t know Ken, so I feel a little bad for being harsh. … The post The Web is for More Than Document...

I Saw Two Mega Menus Today…

One was the footer of an (older) U.S. Government website. The other was the navigation for AWS services from the AWS Console. The post I Saw Two Mega Menus Today… appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter

Dynamically Switching From One HTML Element to Another in Vue

A friend once contacted me asking if I had a way to dynamically change one HTML element into another within Vue’s template block. For instance, shifting a <div> element to a <span> element based on some criteria. The trick was … The post Dynamically Switching From One HTML...

Confessions of a Web Developer XVIII

It’s been quite a while since I’ve gotten a few things off of my chest and since I’m always full of peeves and annoyances I thought it was time to unleash: Sometimes you need to get out of the cult and stop drinking the Kool-Aid to see an organization for what it is. My childhood...

“Cancelable” Smooth Scrolling

Here’s the situation: Your site offers a “scroll back to top” button, and you’ve implemented smooth scrolling. As the page scrolls back to the top, users see something that catches their eye and they want to stop the scrolling, so … The post “Cancelable”...

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