Collective #660

Container Queries Explainer & Proposal * Mantine * Fluid Typography * Fower The post Collective #660 appeared first on Codrops

Custom State Pseudo-Classes in Chrome

There is an increasing number of “custom” features on the web platform. We have custom properties (--my-property), custom elements (<my-element>), and custom events (new CustomEvent('myEvent')). At one point, we might even get custom media … The post Custom State Pseudo-Classes...

Not All Advice is Good Advice

From the time we’re children, we’re trusting people. We rely on those close and older than us to point us toward success and “the right way”. One of the toughest days of our lives is when we realize our parents, or people we look up to, aren’t always perfect...


You can’t even look at code or documentation for Astro (publicly) yet — it’s an in-progress idea — but you can watch a video of Fred showing it off to Feross. I gotta admit: it looks awesome. I’m bullish … The post Astro appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Progress Delayed Is Progress Denied

The bombshell article of the week is from Alex Russell of Google/Chrome. Alex has long been super critical of Apple, particularly about how there is literally no option to run any other browser than Safari on iOS. This article isn’t … The post Progress Delayed Is Progress Denied...

Is Vendor Prefixing Dead?

Let‘s take a quick stroll down memory-lane to revisit how vendor prefixing CSS properties came to be. I hope I don’t trigger PTSD for anyone! It‘s not clear who started prefixing, or when it began exactly. What is clear, is … The post Is Vendor Prefixing Dead? appeared first...

16px or Larger Text Prevents iOS Form Zoom

This was a great “Today I Learned” for me from Josh W. Comeau. If the font-size of an <input> is 16px or larger, Safari on iOS will focus into the input normally. But as soon as the font-size is … The post 16px or Larger Text Prevents iOS Form Zoom appeared first...

Jetpack Backup: Roll Back Your WooCommerce Site Without Losing Orders

Here’s a dilemma: what happens if your WooCommerce site has a problem and the quickest and best way to fix it is to roll back to a previous version? The dilemma is, if you roll back the database, you would … The post Jetpack Backup: Roll Back Your WooCommerce Site Without Losing Orders...

Number of Homes

???? They say an average person lives in 11 homes in their lifetime. What’s your number? (I’m currently at 8????) — CanadianPam (@PamelaApostolo1) May 1, 2021 Hmmmmm! I’m not even sure what house I lived in when I was born. … The post Number of Homes appeared first...

Let’s use (X, X, X, X) for talking about specificity

I was just chatting with Eric Meyer the other day and I remembered an Eric Meyer story from my formative years. I wrote a blog post about CSS specificity, and Eric took the time to point out the misleading nature … The post Let’s use (X, X, X, X) for talking about specificity appeared first...

Creating Colorful, Smart Shadows

A bona fide CSS trick from Kirupa Chinnathambi here. To match a colored shadow with the colors in the background-image of an element, you inherit the background in a pseudo-element, kick it behind the original, then blur and filter it. … The post Creating Colorful, Smart Shadows appeared...

Dynamic CSS Masks with Custom Properties and GSAP

Learn how to animate CSS masks based on the cursor position using GSAP and custom properties for a unique spotlight effect. The post Dynamic CSS Masks with Custom Properties and GSAP appeared first on Codrops

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