Multi-Thumb Sliders: General Case

The first part of this two-part series detailed how we can get a two-thumb slider. Now we'll look at a general multi-thumb case, but with a different and better technique for creating the fills in between the thumbs. And finally, we'll dive into the how behind the styling a realistic 3D-looking...

The Auto-Flowing Powers of Grid’s Dense Keyword

Let's say we're working on the homepage of a news website. You're probably used to seeing some card-based content in a grid layout, right? Here's a classic example, The New York Times: Yeah, something like that. There are going to be some cards/elements/boxes/whatever that need to take up more...

Awesome Demos Roundup #12

A hand-picked collection of fantastic web experiments for your inspiration. Awesome Demos Roundup #12 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Print Peppermint: Your One Stop Shop for Your Digital Design Needs

Growing your online business takes more than just publishing high-quality content, sending out engaging email campaigns, and converting more customers. In fact, sometimes it’s the in-person interactions you have... The post Print Peppermint: Your One Stop Shop for Your Digital Design Needs appeared...

Futuristic and Industrial: The Best Futuristic Fonts

What does it take to create a design with a futuristic vibe? I believe each of you has its pack of tricks under your sleeves and most importantly, a... The post Futuristic and Industrial: The Best Futuristic Fonts appeared first on Onextrapixel

The Ultimate Guide to Dark Mode for Email Marketers

On the regular web (I suppose) we handle "dark mode" with the CSS prefers-color-scheme media query. But, and to nobody's surprise, it's way weirder in the land of HTML email. The weirdness is that across different email clients, they handle the dark mode thing differently, starting with the fact...

Multi-Thumb Sliders: Particular Two-Thumb Case

This is a concept I first came across a few years back when Lea Verou wrote an article on it. Multi-range sliders have sadly been removed from the spec since, but something else that has happened in the meanwhile is that CSS got better — and so have I, so I recently decided to make my...

Jetpack Slideshow Block

One of the many (many) useful things that Jetpack does is give you extra-fancy custom blocks in the WordPress block (AKA Gutenberg) editor: a slideshow, business hours, contact info, GIF, Mailchimp, Map, Markdown, Pinterest, Star Rating, Recurring Payments Button, Repeat Visitor, Simple Payments...

Playing with Texture Projection in Three.js

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to project a texture onto an object in Three.js with some interesting examples. Playing with Texture Projection in Three.js was written by Marco Fugaro and published on Codrops

How Auto Margins Work in Flexbox

Robin has covered this before, but I've heard some confusion about it in the past few weeks and saw another person take a stab at explaining it, and I wanted to join the party. Say you have a flex container with some flex items inside that don't fill the whole area. See the Pen ZEYLVEX...

Why every website wants you to accept its cookies

I'm probably in the minority on this, but I've never ever built one of those "This site uses cookies, here's some kind of explanation of why, and please click this OK button to accept that" bars that feels like they are on half of the internet. Emily Stewart: Most of us just tediously click “yes”...

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