Collective #578

Front-End Performance Checklist 2020 * Kinesis * Excalidraw * Exifer * Sscaffold * Craft.js Collective #578 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

How to Stack Elements in CSS

If you want to create fantastic and unique visual experiences on the web, you will eventually need two elements to overlap or exist in the same place. You may even just need them to be positioned near or next to each other. Let's go over two different ways to accomplish this, one with the position...

Systems, Mistakes, and the Sea

Our own Robin Rendle: [...] folks can’t talk about real design systems problems because it will show their company as being dysfunctional and broken in some way. This looks bad for their company and hence looks bad for them. But hiding those mistakes and shortcomings by glossing over everything...

Duplicated Argument Names

Oftentimes we override or monkey patch functions and, in many cases, there are arguments we don’t care too much about. A common practice for those arguments is using _ for argument names — it’s a generally accepted and known practice for “this isn’t important”....

6 Best WordPress Landing Page Plugins Compared (2020)

Are you struggling to grow your email list and generate more leads? Are you having trouble signing up people for your webinars? Landing pages are the solution to all... The post 6 Best WordPress Landing Page Plugins Compared (2020) appeared first on Onextrapixel

UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #1

The first roundup that collects inspirational UI interactions and animations. UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #1 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Is “is” Useful?

God I'm funny. Anytime we have fairly repetitive selectors that have a common parent, it's probably a place we can use the :is() pseudo-selector. Holger Bartel demonstrates like this: section section h1, section article h1, section aside h1, section nav h1, article section h1, article article...

Gotta Select’em All

I suspect it is not highly known that CSS can control how text is selected. You can do user-select: none; to prevent some text from being selected. That's probably not terribly good UX in general, but perhaps you use some period (.) characters as decoration or something, I could see preventing...

Microbrowsers are Everywhere

The word "microbrowser" clearly got my attention. Never heard that before. Colin Bendell defines them as the little parts of other software that do HTTP requests to a URL to generate a preview. Like the little URL preview in iOS messages, WhatsApp, or Slack. I'm a tiny bit skeptical of the name...

Thank You (2019 Edition)

One of our yearly traditions here is to thank all y'all CSS-Tricks readers at the passing of a new year. It means a lot to me that people come here and read the words I write, and the words of all our staff and guest authors that contribute here as well. Thank you! Plus, we dig into the numbers...

Hats off to Neal Agarwal for some stellar interactive work lately, like The Deep Sea, a vertical scrolling experience to help us understand the depth of the oceans, and The Size of Space, a side-scrolling experience to help us understand the size scale of things in the universe (check out Josh...

Collective #577

Flash Grid * Mix and Jam * IsoCity * MassCode * Everyone has JavaScript, right? Collective #577 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

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