How to Get and Set CSS Variable Values with JavaScript

CSS variables are a very welcome addition to the language, despite them being incredibly basic.  Sure we could use SASS or stylus but languages should never count on developers relying on frameworks and toolkits to accomplish what we know we need.  And just like every other part of a webpage,...

What is design debt and how does it occur?

Today, I want to talk about design debt. We often hear about technical debt and not so much about design debt. They are in fact different from one another... The post What is design debt and how does it occur? appeared first on Onextrapixel

Team Management with

Experimenting with was an eye-opening experience; I always knew that team management was difficult but it always seemed like you’d need half a dozen pieces of software to bring it all together; think HR, team management, task management, CRM, billing…organization of all...

10 Best Coding Apps for Children to Learn Programming

As we live in the digital age, programming skills become increasingly important on the job market. Although not everyone will be a programmer in the future, basic coding skills... The post 10 Best Coding Apps for Children to Learn Programming appeared first on Onextrapixel

How to Get Green Blood in PUBG

My current video game obsession is Player Unknown’s Battleground, also referred to as PUBG.  It’s an online multiplayer game which drops yourself and 99 others into a single, large map and you battle it out until the last man is standing.  It’s frustrating, heart-attack inducing...

There is no longer any such thing as Computer Security

Remember "cybersecurity"? Mysterious hooded computer guys doing mysterious hooded computer guy .. things! Who knows what kind of naughty digital mischief they might be up to? Unfortunately, we now live in a world where this kind of digital mischief is literally rewriting the world's...

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