Stuff you can do with CSS pointer events
Martijn Cuppens (the same fella with the very weird div!) has some more irresistible CSS trickery. Three of the examples are about making a child element trigger an event on a parent element (almost like the magic that is :focus-within).
Here's how I reasoned it out to myself:
You know how if...
Sometimes `sizes` is quite important.
Paraphrased question from email:
I just read your article Responsive Images: If you’re just changing resolutions, use srcset. In the age of "responsive websites," srcset does not help in certain situations. For example, I have a popular products slider. On mobile, I have one image per slide where...
WDRL — Edition 237: HTTP Not Secure in Chrome, PWA Retrospective, Page Lifecycle API, And Plastic Roads
My Twitter timeline sometimes results in an interesting mix between various topics from the tech industry, politics and human or environmental matters. Today I had such a moment when I scrolled and two tweets made a great connection without the authors knowing about it. First, I read that...
Create the Google Button Effect with CSS
I always found Google’s branding simple but grew to realize that was the beauty in their design; there’s something about “just enough” that is the perfect balance between bland and over the top. GMail’s design grew old over the years and Google just got around...
Teaching Your Clients How to Use The Website You Built Them
I share my own thoughts on how you might go about educating someone you just built a site for. But it turns out I had a lot of fun putting together a ton of other people's thoughts as well. I tweeted about it and got a flood of responses, so this article is an amalgamation of all that.
Recent Videos!
I've recorded a decent number of videos lately, most of which are pairing with someone and digging into a topic as I glean as much information as I can! Several of these are sponsored, in that they are a part of an advertising package. Hopefully, you know me well enough that I don't work with...
Collective #436
Page Lifecycle API * Keyframes * Rockstar * Terminalizer * Malvid * Callback Exercises * DOM-wait * Pure CSS Stack * Weird things variable fonts can do
Collective #436 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Solved with CSS! Logical Styling Based on the Number of Given Elements
This post is the third in a series about the power of CSS.
Article Series:
Colorizing SVG Backgrounds
Dropdown Menus
Logical Styling Based On the Number of Given Elements (this post)
Did you know that CSS is Turing complete? Did you know that you can use it to do some pretty serious logical...
Visual. Intuitive. Unlike Anything Else.
(This is a sponsored post.) is a team management tool that’s found favor with more than 34,000 teams, including teams of two to teams of 2,000+, teams working for startups, and teams working on projects for Fortune 500 companies like AOL, Adidas, Samsung, and the Discovery Channel...
Motion Reveal Slideshow
A simple image slideshow with a motion reveal effect when navigating between slides and a fullscreen details view.
Motion Reveal Slideshow was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Build Firefox Faster with Artifact Builds
Working on Firefox DevTools has always been a dream of mine, mostly because it feels like the ultimate way to give back to the development community and those that helped me become a success. And when I explain who Mozilla is and people ask “Oh, so you work on Firefox?!”, I can finally...
Build a state management system with vanilla JavaScript
Managing state is not a new thing in software, but it’s still relatively new for building software in JavaScript. Traditionally, we’d keep state within the DOM itself or even assign it to a global object in the window. Now though, we’re spoiled with choices for libraries and frameworks to help...