Pomáhali jsme rozdmýchávat konzolové války, přiznal bývalý šéf Xboxu

Peter Moore, jeden z nejdůležitějších mužů v historii značky Xbox, přiznal, že dodnes vyhrocené vztahy mezi fanoušky konzolí od Microsoftu a Sony jsou částečně i jeho odpovědností. V době neúspěšného startu konzole Xbox 360 totiž potřeboval odvést pozornost od jejích technických problémů

Indonesian Government Blocks Steam, Epic & Nintendo For 270 Million People

Over the weekend the Indonesian government began the task of blocking any website or service that had failed to register as part of new “internet control” laws. That ended up being a lot, including everything from Steam to the Epic Games Store to Nintendo Online to EA and Ubisoft’s platforms.Read...

Tony Hawk Makes Surprise Appearance For Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Cover Band

I had no idea there was a cover band specialising in Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater soundtracks. I’m happy enough today knowing such a thing exists, but even happier knowing that they had a show on the weekend blow up because the man himself was there and joined them on stage for a couple of tracks.Read...

ANKETA: Dává vám smysl remake The Last of Us?

Postapokalyptické dobrodružství The Last of Us vyšlo na PlayStation 3, následně v remasterované verzi na PlayStation 4 a nyní se chystá remake na PlayStation 5 a později i PC. Dává vám to smysl?

Skandál v progamingu, v ryze ženském týmu hrál tajně muž

Ženský e-sportovní tým Fallacy se kvalifikoval na turnaj Astral Clash, kde se v počítačové střílečce Valorant bude hrát o statisíce korun. Nyní však čelí nařčení, že toho dostáhl podvodem, v rozhodujícím zápase údajně jednu z členek týmu nahradil její přítel

No One Expected GTA Online’s Latest Mission To Be So Terrifying

Earlier this week, Rockstar released a massive free update for Grand Theft Auto Online. For the most part it focused on improving and expanding on what was already in the game. But the update also included a new series of missions involving covert government operations and conspiracies, and this...

Have You Seen This Dog? Call Of Duty Pup Is ‘Plagiarized,’ Artist Claims

If you’ve been following along with Call Of Duty lately, you’re no stranger to seeing skins that remind of something you’ve seen before, be it John McClain from Die Hard or Ghostface from Scream. A recent, very adorable, very fluffy skin, however, is looking all too familiar to one artist,...

There It Is: Analogue Pocket Just Got Its Long-Awaited Jailbreak

The Analogue Pocket’s always turned heads: first for being the most authentic-sounding Game Boy replacement ever announced, then for taking an extraordinary length of time to finally come out. But come out it did, and it was pretty good. For some, its biggest drawback was that it required...

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